Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Dragon's Eye: Outside | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5

Dragon's Eye Level 4 - Eldathian's Lair

Dragon's Eye LVL 4Finally, a safe haven for you and your party to rest and relax as you enter a hidden and well protected Temple of Eldath whose walls are covered in old Eldathian tapestries and the floors are covered in old, well used rugs. Resting here is available in the healers quarters of the Eldathian Temple who will be more than happy to welcome you and allow you to stay within their walls so you may explore the Temple and learn about the Eldathian ways.

So why is there a Temple of Eldath situated below three levels of havoc and large scale battles? For the answer, you can talk to Albion, he who welcomes those who have found the hallowed and protected walls of the Temple of Eldath.

Those who are quick to explore the Temple of Eldath will eventually realize that something isn't right. The fact that a temple to a good aligned deity rests beneath an army of undead, holding cells for captured villagers and the lair of a Lizard King just doesn't sit very well. The first thing the party will notice are the rugs, which are in fact not of Eldath nature and even some of the banners are different in colour and design, which will send the alarms off in some of your characters depending on their lore level. Having a Paladin in your party will reveal Albion's true nature, as the aura he gives off is not the aura a Paladin likes to see around someone and by this time, you've busted them and revealed their true nature.

Albion will sound the alarm and sorry to say, this is the only way to expose their true selves and you'd best prepare yourself for a very long and nasty battle.

When the alarm sounds, all the doors will open in the complex and if you can, have a PC close the double doors leading deeper into the temple which will result in stopping the droves and droves of Lizard Men Elite, Trolls and Yuan-ti Elite that will begin to snake their way through the door. This should give you a slight advantage in dealing with Albion and those near by who come to his aid. Although I did this battle with the doors open, as I did not know what to expect, I found that having those main doors closed afterwards gave me some added time to heal and prepare my party for the waves to follow.

Make sure when you kill Albion, if you are fighting with the doors open, the corpses around you will begin to pile up and up so finding items may prove to be difficult so move your mouse around slowly to find everything laying on the ground. What you're looking for is ALBION'S KEY which will unlock the door leading down to the last level, but let's finish off with this one before I finish off this chapter.

The most annoying part of this level, which only adds to its toughness, is that deep within the temple, in a secluded room is a High Summoner Priest, who continues to summon wave after wave of Trolls, Lizard Men and Yuan-ti Elite which keep pouring out over and over again towards your party. You will have to battle your way through each wave as best you can until you are able to bring the High Summoner down and stop him from summoning those creatures. One of the very reasons all the doors open in the temple is because when the foul beasts are summoned, they can easily walk through the complex and find you. Eventually, I honestly started to get annoyed since it was a great tactic that kept me at bay for sometime and I couldn't find the room in which the High Summoner was in. What I ended up doing was holding my party near the entrance, closed the double doors leading into the complex and cast invisibility on my strongest fighter and took him in to explore each room and corridor, searching for this blasted High Summoner. Once I found him and the room, I headed my party directly to that direction to make him beg for mercy as I ran by blade through his eye sockets and turned the blade around causing his body to shake uncontrollably in a spasm of pain that made his spine snap as he arched backwards in his final death scream.

Now it was my turn to lay on the beef to those within the temple and once you've taken care of the High Summoner, you need not worry about any wave or group of beasts heading in your direction to cause you grief. Just move from room to room and take care of those within as well as loot any shelf, table, sack or whatever else you find in your exploration.

The books you will find are great to sell in Kuldahar for some extra coin and are also good for some entertainment since they prove to be an enjoyable read. Perhaps you can save them for afterwards, when you've completed your quest and read them by a warm fire at the Evening Shade Inn in Kuldahar. Of course, it's up to you.

Besides the High Summoner, you'll also be introduced to the High Ritualist and his group of guards, who's just as stupid as the rest of them as he slips and tells you that the Heartstone Gem is with his leader, Yxunomei. Of course, you're going to have to lay the beats on this peep as well, just in case he plans on warning her you know. Spare no expense when it comes to your own safety! This battle is pretty straight forward as your fighters should have no problem taking care of the eight or so Yuan-ti Elite that go to do battle while the High Ritualist weaves his magics. Hold Person is one of his favorites, so be prepared to protect your front lines if one or more of your characters are held in their place.

The last room I explored had people from the caravan that was taken and left behind from Chapter One, the very caravan that Hrothgar had asked you to investigate and it was the goods that went to the Orcs while the captives went to the Yuan-ti and their leader Yxunomei for sacrifice and of course, to eat.

If you go to this room first and speak with the NPCs inside, you can liberate them and have them help you fight your way through the level, which would make things easier if the High Summoner is still bringing forth his summoned creatures to lay the beef down on your party.

Thanks to Gilles for letting us know about the NPCs giving you some added, extra fighting power!

Reise Copperkey, Iholikan Qunual and Marchon of Waterdeep will tell you of how the caravan was taken and what they did to keep themselves alive. The room they are in does hold a purpose though and that is you can rest here while they watch over you, without worrying about being attacked while resting. If you happened to have found this room before killing the High Summoner, you can rest here without any worries and replenish your offensive spell arsenal and heal your bleeding wounds. For myself though, I found this place last as I wanted to get rid of the High Summoner as soon as possible.

Once you've cleared out this level and picked up ALBION'S KEY head to the stairs which lead to the last level of Dragon's Eye.
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