Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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The Severed Hand Level 6 - The Four Looming Towers

The Severed Hand Level 6 - Tower A

The Severed Hand Level 6Crackling magic will make its debut as you climb these stairs and open the door to the room beyond as Elven Clerics and Elven Mages begin to weave their hands as you break into the room so be ready with your own offensive spells and tactics to bring these Elves to rest.

A flight of stairs leads down to level 5 while another flight goes upwards to level 7.

The Severed Hand Level 6 - Tower B

The sound of the stairs creaking and giving way will give the party away as Elven Swordsmen will be preparing for you! Battle hard brave warrior.

Stairs leading down will take you to the 5th level while a dirt ramp leading up towards sunlight will take your party to the 7th level.

The Severed Hand Level 6 - Tower D

Prepare thyself for a slaughter fest, on your part I do hope brave warrior. This floor and the room beyond the closed door is littered with Elven Swordsmen which are discussing their battle tactics for the battle they still believe is on the way. I didn't waste anytime here and rushed them quickly, taking on the whole bunch at once is a lot of fun as fireballs exploded and my swords swung true.

It is this room you will want to search very well for hidden in one of the tables is the 4TH PART TO THE ASTROLABE, another piece you will need to help Gelarith complete the Astrolabe Once again, if you have failed to get this quest yet, do not worry and simply carry this part of the Astrolabe with your party so when you do meet Gelarith, you won't have much exploring to do.

Two stairs exit this level, one goes down to the fourth level while the other climbs to the sixth.
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