Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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The Severed Hand Level 8 - The Four Looming Towers

The Severed Hand Level 8Ah, 'tis good to see you have made it this far within The Severed Hand and you are on your way to completing the quest of the Heartstone Gem within this foul and ancient, forgotten Elven Outpost. This is the very top of The Severed Hand, except for one more level which is where you can find Larrel, on level 9 to be exact which you can get to from going up the stairs through tower 8E. So with the last level of The Severed Hand at a reach, let's finish off this level and get to the grand finale!

The Severed Hand Level 8 - Tower A

Beautiful bedrooms rest at the very top of this tower which remain untouched by time and the elements and one can get a wonderful view from the windows as well as enjoy the rays of the warm sun that basks The Spine of the World.

Elven Priests line these walls and you will have to bring them to their rest if you wish to explore each room and find what treasure awaits the adventurer such as yourself!

Other than the battles, you will also find the HOLY WATER that you need for Denaini's quest so she can return the pools of water to their original look. You will have to return and speak with Denaini for your reward, but I suggest finishing off the tower before doing so and head to the 8th level.

Thanks to Christo again for pointing out the incorrect location of the Holy Water. It's correct now!

There is only one flight of stairs and they head down to level 7.

The Severed Hand Level 8 - Tower B

Chilling cold will be felt as you make your climb up the stairs to the very top of this tower who's outer walls have been blasted away leaving the locked rooms behind which hold a few hungry Wraith Spiders who want to feast on your fresh, plump bodies. Pray tell that does not happen brave warrior! Draw thy weapon and cast thy magics at these foul creatures and lay them to rest! Search this last level just to make sure you do not miss anything!

Stairs lead down to level 7, the only flight exiting this level.

The Severed Hand Level 8 - Tower D

Stained windows create wonderful colours of light which illuminate what once was a lovely and well taken garden which obviously died so long ago due to lack of care. A stone statue stands in the middle of the room, perhaps once a resting place for birds who came to feel the warmth of the sun and remain out of the cold weather at such high altitudes but even that doesn't look as magical as it once did.

Here you will meet Valestis who will tell you of the once grand beauty of his garden and how it pains him so to view it as it is now. Valestis will tell you what he could use to help replenish the beauty and return it to its former self and you are more than welcome to take on this quest for these items. PURE WATER, AN ANIMAL and A SEED. You will not find these items within The Severed Hand, so don't bore yourself looking for them here as they are within another part of this adventure, which I will note on when we come to them. For now, accept this quest and let's get on to the last two parts.

The Severed Hand Level 8 - Tower E

Many books from ages past line the walls, the floors and tables of this grand library, being kept and taken care of by Custhantos who will welcome you to learn and read some, if not, all the books he can give you. You will want to take all these books, just for safe keeping and historical reasons which you can sell in Kuldahar but do not sell them until you speak with Orrick The Gray for one of the books is the one he's been seeking. Review the Quest portion of this chapter for more details on returning the book he seeks.

Two flights of stairs exit this level, one going down to level 7 while the last leads to level 9 and Larrel! Let us go there now brave warrior!
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