Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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The Severed Hand Level 7 - The Four Looming Towers

The Severed Hand Level 7You will notice the map for this level has changed slightly and that is due to the fact that there is a bridge that joins Tower 7B to Tower 7E and although I did not put up the map of the bridge, I have noted this on The Severed Hand LVL 7 Enlarged Map and it is Tower 7E that will lead you to Larrel, the one you seek to help you unlock the mystery of the Heartstone Gem. Let's take a look at this level in depth.

The Severed Hand Level 7 - Tower A

Do not overwrite your Auto Saved Game as you climb the stairs from level 6 to this level because you may need to go back to it, but more on that later.

Battle well here brave warrior for there are items of great interest to you and another who makes The Severed Hand their home. Dotted with Elven Priests and Elven Swordsmen who want to see you dead will be upon your party as soon as you come up the stairs and they show no mercy in their attacks. Do your best to take out the Elven Archers who will be pelting you with their arrows from afar and if you get a chance to get off a fireball before their numbers surround you, do so to shrink their large numbers.

Once the battle is completed and you are cleaning your weapons, have someone search the room and grab all the items available and found stashed away in hidden places and also make sure you snag the 3RD PART TO THE ASTROLABE while you are here.

Also, check the chest in the northeast corner and if everything went well when the item was randomized as you entered this level, you should have yourself a lovely piece of Elven Chain Mail Armor. Due to the fact this item is randomized in this location it may not be here when you first open the chest and it may also take a few more tries to get the Elven Chain Mail but I was told by a reliable source this is where it is. If you've missed it here, there is one more place you can gain this item from and I'll cover that further down in this solution.

The reason I asked you not to save over your Auto Saved Game was so you'd be able to reload and do the battle over again and get the item in the chest randomized. I have also been told that saving your game AFTER this battle and simply reloading it will randomize the items in the chest, but I have not tried this as I was given this information after I had already taken the randomized item out of the chest and saved over my game. If you try this method of saving after the battle, then reloading the saved game and the item is randomized afterwards, please send me a note and I will update this part of the solution accordingly.

On a reader note, I send you some added information about attaining the Elven Chain perhaps a little easier or harder, but that's for you to decide.

"well, I got the Elven chain on level 3 of Solanar tower...the one with the priestess wanting holy water. Anyway, you can be on level 2 and keep reloading from there until elven chain shows up on level 3. Can you reload on level 3 and make it change. I doubt it highly. I probably have a saved game there so I can try it sometime. However, it's not really needed. You can always just haste a guy to run and check for the armor and if it's the right stuff, then kill all the elves and save the game at that point.
Kaylessa, to get hers, I'd just make a save upon entering the tower...then after saving kill her. I'd keep reentering and making an initial save before killing her. When she finally gave up elven chain, I'd reload from the save I made after entering the tower that time. Then instead of killing her, I'd go clear out the tower and then come back down knowing she'd have the armor.
So I got the chain of the Hand first time I opened things. Reloaded to see other items just b/c none of my friends had gotten the chain. It was some potion or a ring usually. Lame. As for Kaylessa, I reloaded several times to get the chain."

Thanks to Cameron for supplying this great additional information about the Elven Chain!

Stairs lead down to level 6 while you can climb others to take you to level 8.

The Severed Hand Level 7 - Tower B

This is a unique level of this tower because it is attached to a bridge that soars high above The Severed Hand and will also take you to another tower were Larrel is and where you must take the Heartstone Gem if you wish to complete your quest.

First though, you will have to deal with the Elven Swordsmen and Elven Archers who make this level their home and they will attack you as you make your way up the stairs to this level. Battle hard as always and when the battle is over and you are cleaning your weapons, search this floor out and make sure you leave nothing left for any other looters who come this way.

It is best to take the stairs upwards to level 8, just so you don't forget about it and then return to take the bridge across to the other tower and to meet up with Larrel and his helper Gelarith.

There are three exits from this level, one being to the bridge to Tower 7E, while you can go down to level 6 or take a flight of stairs up to level 8.

The Severed Hand Level 7 - Tower D

A circular level will greet you as you climb the last pair of stairs and make your way to the flagstone landing above to where you have come to the resting rooms of the Elven Commanders and Elven Swordsmen who rested here before the tower fell. Make your way through each room, which houses roughly one to two Elven Spirits and once you've cleared out each small room, do make sure you search and get everything you can.

There are two flights of stairs here, one going down to the 6th level while another climbs to the 8th.

The Severed Hand Level 7 - Tower E

This part of The Severed Hand is reached by taking the bridge from 7B and this is the tower where you will find Larrel and his assistant Gelarith who are on the very top of this tower. First though, you will have to battle through a slew of Elven Swordsmen, Elven Priests and Elven Mages who will make your trip unenjoyable as you get closer and closer to your final destination.

The majority of the battle will take place in the central circular room and my tactic was very simple as I had one PC open the door just as my mage was finished casting his Monster Summoning II, which placed about 4-5 Lizard Men around the Elves inside and then quickly closed the door to let them all do battle. Even though the Lizardmen perished, they still dropped the health of the Elves as well as a few priests before I opened the door again to have my fighters finish them off.

Search all the rooms for it is here on this level you will find the DIARY OF EVAYNE, the daughter of Larrel and he will reward you with some extra experience once you are able to talk to his spirit as he will learn of what became of his loving daughter during the towers last stand.

An exit to the bridge can be found here as well as stairs leading up to Level 8.
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