Icewind Dale

Video-based Walkthrough to Icewind Dale by Dave Milward

Prologue  |  Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Trials of the Luremaster  |  Heart of Winter
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Chapter 6
Lower Dorn's Deep | Marketh's Palace | Malavon | Gnome Village | Mines | Dark Temple | Return to Easthaven


Malavon's City

Now I leave the Palace, back to the Garden, and then through the door at the west side. This will be Malavon's City. The foes here will be Blind Minotaurs and Umber Hulks. Both can hit for significant damage. Umber hulks may render a character 'confused' with their gazes. As long as you can outmatch them in physical combat, and have good enough saving throws (i.e. bolstered with items and spells like Protection from Evil 10' Radius), you should be fine.

One thing to keep in mind is that any time you see a distinctive eye on the floor, that is where you'll find a trap.

The east side of the city has a few barrels that contain spell scrolls, including Power Word: Silence, Power Word: Stun, Mordekainen's Sword, and Monster Summoning V.

At the west side of the city, I have a few Umber Hulks smash out of the walls. When I kill them off, I have Genevieve search through one of the wall openings. A corpse will have the Longsword, Pale Justice (+4, +7 vs. evil, immunity to Horror, Cloak of Fear, Charm, Dire Charm, and Symbol of Hopelessness, Paladins only). This will be Genevieve's sword for the rest of the game.

Malavon's Dome

Now I go up to the entrance to Malavon's Dome, and set up a savegame called 'Malavon'. Malavon's throne, which is at the east end of the dome, will have set one of the following when you fist enter:

Each of these items offers a benefit in exchange for a penalty. I prefer the Ring of Reckless Action for Genevieve. She'll still have a very good armor class even while wearing the ring, and the benefit is considerable. 3 attacks each round with Pale Justice and the Girdle of Stromnos is nothing to scoff at. It will get even better when she finds a Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise during Heart of Winter.

So I enter, and then kill a couple of Umber Hulks, and then quicksave. Derrick then casts Invisibility on himself, goes over to the throne and checks if it has the Ring. If it doesn't have the ring, I reload the 'Malavon' savegame. If it does have the ring, I reload the quicksave and go from there.

I then go west and kill another couple of Umber Hulks. I then go east. A fight with Malavon is inevitable, so don't bother with the compassionate 'dropping weapons' option. The 2 Iron Golems next to Malavon will unleash poison clouds, killing all of the Gnomes nearby. I retreat west and let the Iron Golems come to me. Cassandra casts Star Metal Cudgel so that she can inflict extra damage on the Golems. I then let the poison clouds expire, and then kill the first Malavon, who turns out to be a clone. I then keep up sustained missile fire on the true Malavon, who likes to teleport around and blanket areas with spells like Cloudkill and Web. I try to keep out of the area of his spells and keep on him with missile fire. Eventually, he falls and leaves behind:

Now I go east, and get Genevieve her Ring of Reckless Action from the throne. South of the throne will be a number of chests that have potions and spell scrolls, including Monster Summoning VII, Tenser's Transformation, Flesh to Stone, Finger of Death (for Lanatir), Mass Invisibilit (for Derrick), Power Word: Kill (for Lanatir), Incendiary Cloud (for Lanatir), Death Fog (for Derrick), Death Spell (for Lanatir), Disintegrate (for Derrick), and Shades (for Derrick).

The chest on the left will also have the Oil of Null Effect, which I then bring to Ginafae. This allows her to leave the palace, and I get an xp reward for it.

Now I leave in search of the Gnome Village.
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