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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Neketaka: To Neketaka | Queen's Berth | Periki's Overlook | Serpent's Crown | The Sacred Stair | Brass Citadel | Return To Queen's Berth | Arkemyr's Manor | Return to Serpent's Crown

Return to Queen's Berth

Queen's Berth


Travelling back to Queen's Berth results in a confrontation with Talfor, led by several other Principi pirates. He is naturally interested in what you intend to do with Degnos' Satchel.

A fight will result if you punch him in the face, indicate that Avetta would be interested in learning the contents of the Suspicious Letter if you had previously read it, or indicate that you're going to return the Satchel to Degnos but then decline his offer to escort you to Queen's Berth.

It can be a tough fight, partly because the Pistoleers are Moon Godlike who can heal themselves. You can take out their Wizard right away by shooting the Gunpowder barrel next to him. If you win, you'll get several pieces of armor and weapons of Fine-tier that you can sell. However, you'll also get decreased reputation with the Principi for each enemy you kill.

But this is not a fight that I can win at this point, at least not on Path of the Damned difficulty. Indicating a willingness to return the Satchel to Degnos would work. Alliria accepts the offer of safe passage, and returns to Queen's Berth without incident.


I am now at #18 on the map of Queen's Berth.

I go south and speak to Aenia at #27. I accept a Bounty on Biakara.

Sealed Fate

Degnos and Captain Avetta will be waiting at #31. One option is to give him Degnos' Satchel, even if you previously opened the Satchel. He'll reward you with 37cp along with a promise to pay you properly at a later time.

Other options become available only if you had opened the Satchel to obtain Avetta's Seal and the Suspicious Letter prior to returning to Queen's Berth. You could give the items to Degnos without conditions.

Alliria gives him the items on the condition that he not see through his plan to sabotage Captain Avetta. That completes the Sealed Fate Task, along with a 450+ xp reward.

The good party goes through the door at #28 to enter the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters.

*Evil* Sealed Fate

Zarathos betrays Degnos and gives Avetta's Seal and the Suspicious Letter to Avetta. Degnos flees (and will end up dying).

He speaks to Avetta again for 1,000+cp and a minor gain in reputation with the Vailian Trading Company.

Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Main Floor

Pallegina Joins

I start off at #1 on the map of the main floor of the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters.

I go ahead to #2 and speak to Pallegina, who now joins the party. I equip her with a Fine Dagger and a Medium Shield.

I also do an armor trade. I now give Eder's Fine Brigandine Armor to Pallegina, and she gives him the Desgraza Breastplate that she had been wearing. It will be his armor for the rest of the game. It provides 5% Damage Reduction, and that Damage Reduction will increase the lower Eder becomes in Health. It definitely fits in with the theme of stacking together multiple sources of Damage Reduction for a nigh-indestructible tank. *NOTE* I DON'T add the enchantment that provides that 5% scaling Damage Reduction to everyone else in the party, because it means Eder wouldn't personally receive the Damage Reduction anymore.

She takes Lay on Hands on her 2nd level-up. It provides +20 Health per 3 sec for 5 sec (which can be extended by Intellect), and will get an upgrade.

She takes Deep Faith on her 3rd level-up. In her case it will mean a +10 bonus to all of her Defenses.

She takes two abilities on her 4th level-up. One of them is Weapon and Shield Style. Its +6 bonuses to both Deflection and Reflexes make it a natural choice for a secondary tank.

She also takes Zealous Aura. She activates Zealous Endurance, and she'll soon upgrade that modal.

She takes Gernisc Slew the Beast, But Soon Faced its Kin. It summons three Drakes who can make ranged single-target attacks. They can be really useful for quickly taking out spellcasters and other distant foes who can create problems for the party from afar. I take this as an interim summons until she gets the Ogre summons, whereupon she'll retrain and take a passive.

She takes Shatter Their Shackles, Cast Off Their Chains on her 6th level-up. It immunizes the party against Dexterity Afflictions. Can be really useful against enemies with Paralyzing attacks, like Spiders. For such fights, she can hit the whole party with this Invocation, and hit them again once she recoups her Phrases. That process can keep the party immune for the whole fight.

I leave and head for the exit at #33 on the south side of Queen's Berth. I kill a couple of Brine Imps along the way.

*Evil* Haeferic's Nose

I show this part from the perspective of the evil party, partly because it includes preparations for becoming the Infamous Captain. I boot out all the Crew Members that I want to keep, and hire on those that I won't keep on an ongoing basis and thus are expendable for purposes of provoking into a mutiny: Aledh, Caergr and Grim Kuldran. Ikuiq and Irrena stay on.

I board my ship to leave Neketaka. I receive a few correspondences, like a burned book, a letter from Captain Aeldys, and a Missive from Stalwart. The last one informs me that I now receive Haeferic's Nose as a Cannon. It will become part of my ship build.

*Good* And it will become part of the ship build for the good party too.

Burned Book of Law

Alliria receives Haeferic's Nose as well as the Burned Book of Law. She opens the book and has an extended conversation with Woedica. Alliria tends to be rather confrontational and hostile towards a deity that she regards as the embodiment of evil.

*Evil* Burned Book of Law

The evil version, where Zarathos and Woedica see much closer eye to eye.

*Evil* Infamous Captain

Zarathos first completely removes any Food and Drink from being available to the temporary Crew. He then sails clockwise around Neketaka Island multiple times. And Crew Morale drops by -15 each day.

It's only a matter of time before the Crew mutinies. I don't try to talk them out of it. I choose the attack option. And I win the battle fairly easily.

Zarathos now has the Infamous Captain passive, which confers +5% Damage, +3 Intimidate, and lower-level Kith become Terrified at the start of combat.

I limp my ship back to Neketaka. I put the Crew that I left behind back on the ship. I also now hire on Nia as my new Cannoneer and Ushizu as my new Cook.

World Map

Silver Winds

I am now at #1 on the World Map. A Huana Voyager called Silver Winds, captained by Hurangi, is within immediate view. I board it. I manage to outlast the enemy crew without much problem, using White Flames for a group heal or Lay on Hands for a single-target heal as needed. Pallegina's Wurms summons are useful for taking out distant spellcasters or gunners.

The Alisio

I take out another Deadfire Merchant Ship near Neketaka.

I sail southwest and run down The Alisio. I board it, and manage to outlast their crew. The core party lets the wave of enemies come to them. The ship combatants take out the Sailors and gunners for me.

I get a few Vailian Breastplates among the loot. They are of Fine quality, so I have Aloth equip one.

The Scale of Tangaloa

I sail a little northwest and board a Huana Voyager called The Scale of Tangaloa and captained by Biakara. I defeat the enemy crew by outlasting them with my heals. Biakara leaves behind a Pike called the Lance of the Mirkwood Stag. I have no use for it so I'll just sell it.

I also board a Deadfire Merchant Ship and a Vailian Novice Captain on the way back to Neketaka. The loot from Vailian Ships can be sold for a lot of cash.

Alliria keeps a Vailian Breastplates in her personal stash. She may give it to another sidekick who has yet to join.

"The Silver Maiden"

I switch out Aloth, Eder and Mirke for the companions with the least xp, Xoti, Serafen and Ydwin.

I "Wait" until it's Morning, as I'll soon need to enter the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters again, and then enter Queen's Berth.

Queen's Berth

I am now at #1 on the map of Queen's Berth. I equip Serafen with a Fine Sabre in his main-hand, and Ydwin with a Vailian Breastplate. I equip Pallegina with an Amulet of Health.

Alliria stows a Vailian Plate Armor in her personal stash. She keeps the Dyrwoodan Mayoral Medallion that Eder got at the start of the game for his Pillars of Eternity 1 history making him skeptical of Eothas' faith, and puts an Oil of Allure in one of her quick-item slots. The reason is that there's a Diplomacy check coming soon that I'll want her to make.

She sells off all items except Bombs, Potions of Healing (various), Scrolls of Healing, and Thief's Putties.

That puts me at around 98,000+ for my present purposes. I purchase a Galleon for 90,000cp. I transfer all my Crew from the Sloop to the Galleon. I also put Irrena in as the fourth Deckhand.

I fit its portiside with my two Vailian Hullbreakers and two Dyrwoodan Hog Noses. My eventual plan is to have all the portside with Vailian Hullbreakers for when the enemy ship is closer.

I fit its starboard side with Haeferic's Nose and three Iron Thunderers. That leaves me in a good place to open fire on enemy ships that are at a greater distance.

I also hire some new Crew Members. I bring on Aledh and Nia as my 3rd and 4th Cannoneers in the interim. I bring on Tuliak Longfoot as my 4th Deckhand.

There's just one empty position on the ship itself, Boatswain.

Luca Joins

The good party goes southeast and enters the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters at #28.

Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Main Floor

That brings me to the door at #1 on the map of the main floor of the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters.

I go west to the office at #4, and witness Luca getting fired from his job on account of how I completed the Coming to Terms Task.

He's angry with Alliria, but accepts her offer to join her crew. Luca is the best Boatswain in the game, as he starts off with a single rank in it, and has no ranks in any other skill. He can therefore reach the optimum 4 ranks in Boatswain. He'll automatically occupy that slot on my ship.

I go back out the door at #1.

Bounty on Biakara

Now I speak to Aenia at #27. I receive 1,600cp, 800+xp, and a moderate increase in reputation with the Vailian Trading Company for collecting on the Bounty on Biakara.

I accept her offer of a Bounty on Veen and leave through the exit at #33.

It is now time to pull a heist on Arkemyr's Manor.

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