Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Lower Dorn - The Atrium

The AtriumDon't be fooled by the stunning beauty of this place. The green grass, the flowers, even the cobble stone walkways through dancing fire flies best not put thy mind at ease for if it does, thou shalt be fertilizer! Red Myconids, Fire Salamanders, Bone Guard Skeletons, Blind Minotaurs will all be part of your battles along side of the Shriekers that call them forth to do battle with thee! The Red Myconids shan't be a problem for your skilled veterans, but do know that for every shriek a Shrieker makes, they call forth a wave of Fire Salamanders, Blind Minotaurs and Bone Guard Skeletons to do battle with thy party. To remove the Shriekers is to remove the waves of foul beasts sent to do battle!

In the middle of all of this are Callard and his helper who are carving a beautiful portrait on a stone statue of Marketh and if you speak with them kindly and long enough, Callard will give you the very portrait they are using to carve onto the stone statue.

You can place the portrait into a quick slot, so perhaps there is more to this item than we thought? If you come across something that the portrait is used for or if it has any effect in a quick slot during a battle or when you're talking/fighting Marketh, send me a shout.

The portrait and what it is used for is for Flozem who is found in Marketh's Palace, who created the portrait that was given to you. Rather than fighting him, you can speak with him as he isn't a very devoted guard and you can mention how good his artistic skills are, which will make him abandon Lower Dorn to pursue a different career. You'll receive experience and he will also leave all his items on the ground for you to pick and choose from. You get more experience by doing this rather than killing him. You may only receive this option of dialog if you have a Bard, or so I've been told. Try it anyhow just in case.

Susan sent us in this great addition for more experience. Thanks!
Shouts to Sir Crystos, Jade's Fire and Dodson for the portrait information.

There are plenty of arches that your party can go through and to view them all, check The Lower Dorn - The Atrium Enlarged Map for more details and understanding of where these arches lead to.
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