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Dragon Age: Origins Nightmare Guide by David Milward

Areas in Order of Appearance:  
Origins  |  Ostagar  |  Lothering  |  Circle Tower  |  Warden's Keep (DLC)  |  Return to Ostagar (DLC)  |  Stone Prisoner (DLC)  |  Brecilian Forest  |  Redcliffe  |  The Urn of Sacred Ashes  |  Orzammar  |  Deep Roads  |  Denerim  |  Final Onslaught  
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Frostback Mountain Pass  |  Orzammar Commons  |  Chamber of the Assembly  |  Aeducan Thaig  |  The Royal Palace  |  Harrowmont Estate  |  The Proving Grounds  |  Dust Town  |  Carta Hideout  |  Shaperate  |  To the Deep Roads  


Black Runestone

I make my way south, and then turn off to the tunnel that leads west. The tunnel then turns north. I run into several Darkspawn that I kill rather easily.

The tunnel leads to a large cave in the northwest portion of the Thaig. There are plenty of Darkspawn in the cave, but they're spread out which makes them difficult to catch all at once with spells like Blizzard or Inferno. I therefore go about it in a process of attrition by having Leliana and Wynne start firing at the foremost ones in order to lure a few forward at a time. It goes without saying that Aldarion is ready to use Mana Clash or Crushing Prison on any Genlock Emissaries that he sees.

Most of the containers have random items. The unlocked chest has the Black Runestone, which can be gifted to Alistair.


There will be two tunnels exiting the cave. One heads straight south, while the other heads southeast. I go down the south one first. I soon run into a small group of Darkspawn that I kill easily with routine tactics.

I backtrack and then go down the southeast tunnel. I soon end up in another cave, but one that has a dividing wall on the north side. On the other side of the dividing wall will be a large group of Darkspawn. It includes a Genlock Emissary and a Hurlock Emissary. Aldarion aims a Mana Clash at both of them, but kills only the Hurlock Emissary. Nonetheless, this gives Wynne a prime opportunity to strut her stuff. The Darkspawn group also includes several Archers and several oncoming melee Darkspawn. Wynne whips out a carefully aimed Grease spell, which will either cause them to struggle slowly forward or slip and fall down. She immediately follows up with a carefully aimed Fireball, unleashing the Grease Fire spell combo that inflicts extra fire damage on everything caught within in. This is one of the better spell combos to use, since both spells can be zipped off instantly therefore allowing for an almost instantaneous set up and trigger. Soon only the Genlock Emissary is left, and he's easily shot down.


Here I do a sweep of the rest of the Thaig, excluding the southwest corner. A frequent foe will be strange creatures called Deepstalkers that seem like worm-lizard hybrids. They don't have much Health so straight physical combat is often effective against even significant numbers of them.

A notable exception is the cave towards the southeast corner, where I will get surrounded and ambushed by a LOT of them. Leliana finds it prudent to hold them still with her Captivating Song until the crowd gets thinned somewhat.

Lord Dace

Now I head for the southwest corner of the Thaig. There I find Lord Dace and several of his troops getting ambushed by many Deepstalkers who come in more than one wave. The Deepstalkers are very numerous. But considering that I have Lord Dace and his men to help out, routine physical combat is enough to get it done.

I loot all of the nearby containers first before speaking to Lord Dace. I give him the promissory notes to convince him to change his vote against Lord Harrowmont, and then accept his offer to head back to Orzammar.

My next destination is the Royal Palace.

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