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Obsidian Entertainment

Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Storm of Zehir by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Prologue  |  Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Act I:   Samargol  |  Omgar's Teeth  |  Lastri's Quests  |  Kwesi's Bounties  |  Taruin  |  Rassatan  |  Nimbre  |  Mines  |  Shattered Spear  |  Volo's Quests  |  Tempest's Fury  |  Lumber Camp  |  Chokemist Cave  | 

Chokemist Cave

Samarach Overland Map


I bring the Distilled Toxin to Sa'Sani, for which I get 700xp. She advises me to take the toxin to someone who may have knowledge of poisons.

That person is Vadin'ya. She in turn identifies the poison as Chokemist, and advises that it comes only from a cave in a peninsula to the west.

I now buy two each of Gold Rings, Gold Necklaces, Silver Rings, and Silver Necklaces. They will prove handy as base materials for crafting magical amulets and rings.

I also buy a Cloak of Elvenkind (+5 Hide) and Boots of Elvenkind (+5 Move Silently). I am keeping these items for when Finch joins the party.

Kobold Cave

Now I travel west along the shoreline. At some point I find a crate with 4 Skins that I collect.

At #21 is a cave filled with Kobolds, who are dispatched easily enough.

Lizardfolk Ruins

At #22 are some Ruins occupied by Lizardfolk. The Lizardfolk won't be hard to kill.

The Ruins also have an Arcane Nexus, but I won't be able to do anything with it until much later.

Skeleton and Zombie Crypt

At #20 is a crypt with several Skeletons and Zombies. The undead will remain inert until I loot the sarcophagus for Ancient Trap parts that can be sold, some gold, and several gems. The undead are easily blown away after a Call Lightning Storm from Umoja and a Beshadowed Blast / Eldritch Chain from Vandala.

I have to unlock the door to the crypt to let myself back out.

Bugbear Tower

At #19 is a tower with a few Bugbears inside of it. They're easy enough to defeat, and one of them will leave behind a Warmace +1.


The Chokemist Cave is at #19. I buff up to the max once everyone is inside. Barkskins, Greater Magic Weapons, Death Ward for Vandala, Flaming Weapons, ability boosters and Greater Magic Fang for Yushai.

Luaire will be a little distance ahead. Combat is inevitable. I have Umoja drill Luaire with arrows to prevent spellcasting, leaving the rest of the party to go to work on the Corrupted Spiders. Victory is a matter of course.

Luaire leaves behind:

Now I have to bring the news of Luaire being a Yuan-ti to Sa'Sani.

15th Level

I'm pretty close to 105,000xp, so now I grind it out to reach the 15th level for my characters. Note that I spend a lot of the time monster hunting in the western areas near the Chokemist Cave.

The point is I get to explore the area with Gallard and uncover spellcraft areas that can be disarmed for xp, or resources that I can exchange for trade bars. I don't show everything in the video, but the sequence roughly plays out to stocking up on Ores or Skins or Timber until I reach my maximum of 10, then sell them off to Taruin for trade bars, and resume.

There is a caveat though. Once I've found anything I can in the western areas, I buy back 5 Timber from Taruin. The reason is so that I can build a trade post in Highcliff almost right away once Act 2 starts.

The video concludes with my characters reaching their 15th levels.


I return to Samargol and describe 5 more locations to Volo. Everyone in the party gets the Wayfarer feat (+1 Search, +1 Spot, +1 Listen), which replaces the Wanderer feat.


I bring the news of Luaire, who turns out to have been a Yuan-ti, to Sa'Sani. I get 1,000xp for the quest, but there's more. The short of it is that the authorities now permanently expel Sa'Sani from Samargol. She bids the party to rendezvous with her at Crossroad Keep, to the distant north in the Sword Coast.

I journey back to the Lumber Camp, engaging in many fights along the way that I don't show. I speak to Dall Nickleplate, who informs me that the portal is now working again, and will bring me to the Sword Coast.

Now I am bound for Crossroad Keep, leading to the start of Act 2.
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