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Obsidian Entertainment

Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Storm of Zehir by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Prologue  |  Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Act I:   Samargol  |  Omgar's Teeth  |  Lastri's Quests  |  Kwesi's Bounties  |  Taruin  |  Rassatan  |  Nimbre  |  Mines  |  Shattered Spear  |  Volo's Quests  |  Tempest's Fury  |  Lumber Camp  |  Chokemist Cave  | 

Lumber Camp

Samarach Overland Map

To the Lumber Camp

The party makes its way towards the Lumber Camp, located at #24 on the World Map. They battle Deinonychuses, Stag Beetles, and Trolls along the way.

Stag Beetle Shells

There will be a few more creature bounty quests available in the Lumber Camp. I easily have the creature parts needed for most of them. The one exception is I need 8 Stag Beetle Shells, and I only have 6 at the moment. So I wait around until I get enough Stag Beetle encounters until I get the 8 Shells that I want.

14th Level

I'm pretty close to 91,000xp, so now I grind it out until my characters reach their 14th level of experience.

Pesky Dinos

Now I enter the Lumber Camp and start off at #1 on the Lumber Camp map.

Lumber Camp

I speak with Dall Nickleplate for the first time at #2, and then a second time at #5. He has three quests for me: Pesky Dinos, Disturbances, and Jiggle the Handle. I only need to complete one of the first two, as well as the third.

The Pesky Dinos quest is as simple as giving him 3 Dinosaur Claws, which I already had in abundance. I get 600xp for it.


I can't fulfill the other quest until it is night time. So I leave the camp briefly, and rest until dusk. By the way, I kill the monsters that suddenly appear after resting, although I don't include that in the video.

I return to the camp. A gnome spirit will now appear at #6. It will attack once I get close enough. I won't be able to kill it as such, but I only need to inflict enough damage so that it backs down and I then have the option of speaking to it.

The spirit was that of Tamith Timekeeper, who wants my helping in exposing her murder by Leva. To expose her murder, she wants me to bring her mortal remains to Dall Nickleplate.

I start west from where I first fought Tamith. I find some Lantassan Healing Herbs along the way, each of which can simulate a Cure Moderate Wounds (3) spell. Tamith's remains can be found in a shallow grave at #7.

I speak to Dall again once I have the remains, whereupon Tamith takes her revenge on Leva. I get 700xp for completing the quest.

Jiggle the Handle

Now I speak to Dall again. The short of it is that the chief artificer has been poisoned, and he needs a replacement widget so that he can get his portal working again.

I could succeed at either a Spellcraft skill check or any Crafting skill check to create a new widget, but I prefer a different way since it gets me a little more xp.

I leave the Camp, and immediately within view is the Sickly Megaraptor. I have little trouble killing the beast, and getting the Missing Widget it had carried inside of itself.

I return the Widget to Dall, and get 1,000xp for concluding the Local Troubles quest and another 600xp for concluding the Jiggle the Handle quest.

He also gives me the Distilled Toxin, which I'll need to bring to Sa'Sani to advance the main story.

Nil's Bounties

Now I can speak to Nil. He, like Kwesi, also offers gold for creature part bounties. I collect on each of them, which are as follows:

Nil also buys and sells creature collectibles as well. I bought from him: There's one more quest before I go back to Sa'Sani.


Ahri "Golemkin" can be found at #6 on the map. She's unhappy about her clockroaches having escaped, and wants at least four parts of them brought back to her. Four Clockroach parts are enough to fulfill the quest and earn 600xp, plus a Collapsable Clockroach (24 charges of Summon Clockroach).

She does sell a few things like potions, as well as a select inventory of creature parts like Blade Golem Parts, Clay Golem Shards, and Iron Golem Plates. However, I buy from her a Copper Necklace, a Silver Necklace, a Gold Necklace, a Copper Ring, a Silver Ring, and a Gold Ring. The reason being they're the base materials for magical amulets and rings that I can craft later on.

My next destination is the Chokemist Cave.
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