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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Main Game: Main Quests | Character Quests | Side Quests | Tasks | Bounties
Faction Quests: Huana | Principi | Royal Deadfire Company | Vailian Trading Company
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Principi Quests: Blow The Man Down | Goods and Services | Symbols of Death | A Shrewd Proposition | Honor Among Thieves | A Dance With Death

A Shrewd Proposition

Balefire Beacon

  1. Captain Furrante will give you this Quest in the Balefire Beacon after you've completed the Symbols of Death Quest.

    He wants you to contact Master Kua in Crookspur.

  2. Sometime thereafter you'll receive the Wine-And-Blood-Splattered Letter, inviting you to see her in Fort Deadlight.

  3. You can, if you do wish to speak to Captain Aeldys, sail for Fort Deadlight, which is at #4 on the World Map. First Mate Mabori will be near the front gate. If you speak to him, he can take you straight to Captain Aeldys.

    Aeldys will be in the same room Benweth had been in, within the Deadlight Donjon. She'll reward you with 2,000cp if you disclose Furrante's alliance with the Slavers. She instead wants you to clear out the Slavers, and tells you to meet up with an agent of hers on Crookspur Island.
  4. World Map

  5. Crookspur Island will be at #50 on the World Map.

  6. Crookspur Island

  7. Dock at #8 on the map of Crookspur Island.
  8. Crookspur

  9. You'll now be at #1 in Crookspur.
  10. Furrante

  11. The gate to the courtyard is at #5. The Ogre will let you through with little fuss, assuming the auction hasn't completed yet.

    The auction of Handsome Eliam takes place at #6. Either buying him, or otherwise letting the auction for him proceed without making a fuss, will mean that Auctioneer Marocca will recommend you see Master Kua.

    If you purchase Handsome Eliam, you'll need to see Master Kua first to make the purchase final.

    Questioning the legality of the auction, particularly with either a Bluff check of 10 or a Streetwise check of 10, is likely to get you expelled outside the courtyard and the gate closed on you. Making your way back in will mean the local slavers attacking you on sight.

  12. The stairs at #8 lead to the Crookspur Fort.
  13. Crookspur Fort

  14. You'll start off at #1 on the map of the Crookspur Fort. Master Kua will be at his desk at #2.

    Kua wants you to take out the leader of a Huana tribe that are scuttling his ships. Accepting the request starts the Tip of the Spear Quest. Refusing his request leads to being attacked by Kua and his minions.

    You can also avoid paying any price you promised for Handsome Eliam by suggesting you can pay for Eliam through services instead of money during this conversation.

    Completing the Tip of the Spear Quest means completing this Quest in a way that favors Furrante's side. It also means failing the Cruel Cargo Quest, which would overlap with completing this Quest in a way that favors Aeldys.

  15. Return to Captain Furrante after completing Tip of the Spear. He'll reward you with 14,000+ xp, a major gain of positive reputation with the Principi, and a Fleetbreaker.

  16. Aeldys

  17. Seafol will be your contact at #2 once you arrive at Crookspur. She'll have a skiff ready and waiting for any slaves you can free from Crookspur.

    Freeing a particular group of Slaves is the objective of Aeldys' side of this Quest. And it's inconsistent with Furrante's side of this Quest because freeing any slaves from the Crookspur Slavers will turn the Slavers hostile against you, and cause the Tip of the Spear Quest to fail.

    Note that wiping out the Slavers will help towards completing the Huana Quest called Fruitful Alliance and the Cruel Cargo Quest, but is not necessary to complete Aeldys' side of this Quest. Freeing a particular group of slaves from the Dungeon is enough.

  18. If you want to go straightaway to the Crookspur Dungeon first, then go through the tunnel at #4 in Crookspur.

    The tunnel itself involves a scripted interaction. Taking the bright tunnel can lead to the Sea Cave at #1, although it requires an Athletics check of 10 to do it without Injury. The darker tunnel allows you to surface and catch a breath of air, the point of which can reduce the Athletics check for the brighter tunnel to 8.
  19. Crookspur Sea Cave

  20. There will be a Crystal Spider Queen and a few Crystal Spiders to fight at #3 of the Sea Cave.

  21. There will be a gate at #4. Your options if you approach the gate from the south are:

    • Using a Prybar.
    • Making a Might check of 18.
    • Using an Attack power that inflicts Corrosive Damage.
    • Using the Form of the Helpless Beast spell if one of your characters has it.

    *NOTE* If you came here from the Crookspur Dungeon instead so as to approach the door from the north, you can simply use the lever at #5 to open it.

  22. The stairs at #6 lead to the Crookspur Dungeon, starting at #10.
  23. Crookspur Dungeon

  24. You'll start off at #10 on the map of the Crookspur Dungeon if you came from the Sea Cave.

    You'll be at #1 instead if you came from the exterior of Crookspur.

  25. There will be plenty of Ogres and Cutthroats around the Dungeon. The Wahaki Slaves that you need to rescue to complete Aeldys' side of this quest will be locked in a cell at #4.

    Rescuing the Slaves locked in the cell at #9 helps towards completing the Huana Quest called Fruitful Alliance.

    If you to sneak the slaves out, a character with good Stealth and Mechanics (can make a check of at least 12) can sneak past the enemies to the cell doors and unlock them. The Slaves will make their own way out. The Wahaki Slaves in particular will be willing to help you kill any Slavers that remain here in the Dungeon or other parts of Crookspur.

    Alternatively, you can just slaughter all the Ogres and Cutthroats here as well. Taskmaster Grom at #5 will leave behind the Large Iron Key, which you can then use to open the cell doors if you can't make the Mechanics skill checks.

  26. This chest at #2 will have a Blackwood Log in it. Although that is not directly relevant to this Quest, it can help provide an additional option as you near the end of the game.

  27. Leave Crookspur by Ship. You will be once again greeted and surrounded by a Rauatai fleet, this time commanded by Kana from Pillars of Eternity 1.

  28. Speak to Captain Aeldys again in Fort Deadlight. She will reward you with 21,000+ xp, 2,500cp, a major gain of positive reputation with the Principi, and the Blackblade Hood to conclude the Quest.

  29. If you like, you can speak to Captain Furrante in Dunnage. He'll make it known he's upset with you for upsetting his business arrangement, but it doesn't otherwise affect your status as an ally of the Principi.

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