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Video-based Walkthrough for Neverwinter Nights 2

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act III:   Castle Never  |  Neverneath  |  Merchant Quarter  |  Circle of the Mere  |  Crossroad Keep Basement  |  Crossroad Keep  |  Ironfist Stronghold  |  Mount Galardrym  |  Seat of the Mountain  |  Fiery Canyon  |  Wendersnaven  |  Highcliff  |  Shadow Reaver Camp  |  Nolaloth's Valley  |  West Harbor  |  The War Begins  |  Shandra Jerro's Farm  |  Outskirts of Crossroad Keep  |  Seige of Crossroad Keep  |  Vale of Merdelain  |  Inner Sanctum  | 


Managing Crossroad Keep

I will again reiterate the information that I provided during Act II. Managing the Keep is a rather complex mini-game unto itself, and it's easy to go wrong. A mismanaged Keep can easily burn a hole through your pocket, or it can become an extremely profitable venture for you. What to do? Well there are some resources that help you. This entry from the NWN2Wiki provides information on certain variables like who can join the staff of the Keep, special missions, and upgrade costs:

So what affects the income of the Keep? Here's a couple of helpful links:

Here's my take on the info. Certain factors relate to the keeping of time with respect to your management of the Keep:

Then there are certain variables tied to your peasant population: Then there are factors tied to merchant commerce: Then there are factors tied to your military power: Based on the above info, it is obvious that if you really want to make the most of your Keep then you need to make each 2.5% time integer count as much as you can. But at the same time, there's a dilemma. Going all the way with building fortifications, and assigning all of the Greycloaks to land patrols will mean more Greycloaks will get recruited and more rapidly. But the more Greycloaks you've recruited, the more your Keep coffers get strained. Your income will never turn out to be negative, but it is entirely possible to get an income of 0 with each time integer if you prioritize recruitment and land security exclusively.

If you want to increase income, then having Master Veedle increase road upgrades and assigning Greycloaks only to road patrols will increase road security. That will mean more taxable merchants come to the Keep. At the same time, not sparing any Greycloaks for recruitment will mean less Greycloaks for road patrols and a further enhancing of road security.

The dilemma should be obvious by now. Where do you strike that balance? There's more than one take on the issue. Here's an extreme example that has one goal, to absolutely maximize the amount of income that can be attained at the end of the 100% time limit:

This approach depends on throwing everything exclusively into maximizing land security and Greycloak recruitment until about the halfway mark. Once the halfway mark is reached, everything is then thrown into maximizing road security and bringing as many taxable merchants as possible to the Keep. I'm not in favour of this approach, at least not for my game. It calls for a nearly complete avoidance of Kana and Master Veedle until Act 3, with the idea of recruiting Light of Heaven so as to maximize Greycloak and peasant recruitment almost from the word 'go'. That's not the issue for me. My problem is that it also avoids any complications on account of the special missions.

Here is a more balanced approach, which is designed for a good-aligned character and starts things almost right away during Act 2:

It is this kind of path, with a few provisos of my own, that I'll be showing now on this page.

Old Man Morris

I speak to Kana for the first time since Act III started. I have her take care of a special mission that involves tracking down a bandit group led by Old Man Morris. I need Training 2+, Weapon Quality 1+, Armor Quality 1+, and 1 or more Sergeants to get the best result. I do have the requirements. Keep Time goes to 12%.

I leave the interior of the Keep and go back in. She gives me a note from Daerred and his adventuring crew, which provides an overly detailed account of their mishaps.

I then speak to Kana a second time. Note that it is sometimes more efficient to speak to Kana about multiple matters to get more done within a single time integer. It is not literally the number of times you click on Kana to speak to her that advances time. It is re-entering the Keep from outside and speaking to her that advances the time integer. She informs me of the success of the special mission. I get 500gp and Old Man Morris' Necklace (+3 natural bonus to armor class, +2 Hide, +2 Survival) as a reward. Bishop will wear the necklace for the rest of the game, as it's a natural fit for him. Keep Time is now at 15%.

Lord Nasher's War Levy

I speak with Kana again, and she brings up the subject of Lord Nasher's war levy. I just choose to pay the 6,000gp because it increases my Peasant Growth Modifier by +2. Also, I need to reset the secret Merchant levy again after the war levy decision using the Appraise check.

*Evil* Zarathos chooses a light tax to avoid any good alignment points.

Daerred's Second Mission

First, I instruct Master Veedle to cobble the roads, which will raise Land Security by another +10, and then enter the Keep.

I enter and re-enter the Keep. There will be a forced dialogue that puts Keep Time at 17%. That forced dialogue involves Daerred showing up again after I've received his note. One option is to deliberately mislead him somewhere safe, which will mark the end of adventuring for his little company, at least on my account. I chose the question that shows curiosity about the King of Shadows, which strangely he and his company will survive. Other options are likely to lead to their deaths.

Sheriff of Leeves

*Note* Sometimes it helps to test beforehand before deciding what to do next. If you re-enter the Keep and speak to Kana without any special events occurring, that is often a good time to have Master Veedle build an upgrade.

I instruct Master Veedle to repair the holes in the fortification walls. This raises Land Security to 10, and pushes Keep Time to 20%. It also prompts another special event. The Sheriff from the Halfling village of Leeves wants my help dealing with bandits. The optimum solution is to send half the men to take care of things.

I speak to Kana again. There is a special mission, which is available at Keep Time 20% to 25%, to have the Greycloaks track down bandits led by Doman the Ogre. The best outcome requires Training 3+, Armor Quality 1+, Weapon Quality 1+, 1+ Sergeants, 50+ Greycloak Units. I have the requirements, so I have Kana take care of the mission.

Now I have time to do something else, like recruiting a few more Sergeants.


Now I speak to Bevil, who is just to the right of the front gate of the Keep. A brief conversation with him strongly suggests that he can become another Sergeant for the Keep.


I speak with an Aasimar woman named Joy, who can be found just north of Randolph. A good character will have little trouble convincing her to start dancing at the Phoenix Tail Inn at Crossroad Keep. An evil character won't have any such luck. She's supposed to have a small effect on Merchant Growth and Peasant Growth, or so I'm given to understand.

Light of Heavens

The first Sergeant I'm out to get is Light of Heavens. I have to defeat her three times in a series of challenges by combat. First time in the Merchant Quarter, the second time in Port Llast, and the last time just outside the front gate to Crossroad Keep.

My strategy is a fairly simple one. Valeria buffs up to the max beforehand. Once combat starts, she presses the physical attack against the Aasimar while her Beetle Familiar hits her over and over again with touch-attack spells. Light of Heavens agrees to become one of my Sergeants after I win the third fight.

*Evil* Light of Heavens

Of course, Light of Heavens is out to destroy my evil Cleric / Blackguard in a duel to the death. I can gang up on her, so she falls rather easily. She leaves behind a Heavy Shield +3, a Bastard Sword +5, and a Greater Cloak of Protection vs. Evil.

Sydney Natale

Now it's time to recruit the last Sergeant. I speak to Khralver Irlingstar, who's just in front of the front door to the Keep. The conversation is more complete when the party consists of the protagonist, Ammon Jerro, Zhjaeve, Sand and Qara. The end result is that Khralver brings me to a location where I can meet Sydney Natale. Only the protagonist, Qara and Zhjaeve can come for this meeting.

Once there, I take the opportunity to buff up before speaking to Khralver. In addition to the usual, I also take the opportunity to use Energy Immunity to immunize the trio against fire damage and electrical damage. This will help a lot in the upcoming battles. Now I speak to Khralver, which prompts Sydney's arrival.

I next speak with Sydney for a bit. I deliberately choose the dialogue line that involves encouraging Qara to use Sydney's bodygard, Jalboun, for target practice in order to increase my influence with Qara. Sydney has a scroll that has the True Names of all of the Shadow Reavers, but intends to abduct Zhjaeve as the only person who can verbally pronounce the names, and also kill both Valeria and Qara. There's naturally only one outcome, battle.

Sydney starts off by summoning the Animus Elemental. The Elemental can be tough as it comes pre-buffed and can cast arcane spells. Zjhaeve cuts it down a few pegs with a Harm spell, while Valeria and Qara take the opportunity to cast Extended Greater Invisibility spells on themselves. Qara also rips down the Animus Elemental's spell buffs with her Vengeance of Asenath spear. It soon falls.

Sydney herself then attacks. I offer Jalboun double wages to get him to turn on Sydney. Several Luskan Assassins will gather around the party. Qara begins by casting an Extended Haste on the party. Zhjaeve casts Holy Aura on the party. Valeria casts Blade Weave on her Rapier. Once battle positions have settled around Sydney, Valeria and Qara both peel off Firebrand spells. Zhjaeve hits just about everything with a Word of Faith spell. That suffices to quickly eliminate most of Sydney's help.

Sydney can still put up a real fight, since she loves to summon conjured creatures and blanket the area with spells like Acid Fog and Grease. She also has a few lives so to speak, as each time I manage to bring her hit points down to zero she will teleport somewhere else and have her hit points partially regenerated. She's only able to do this a limited number of times though. The battle becomes a matter of killing her summoned creatures as they come, and hounding her every step of the way with both physical attacks and Chain Lightning spells aimed at her, until I bring her down.

I afterwards offer Jalboun a job at Crossroad Keep so that he becomes my last Sergeant. There is also nearby ore vein that I click on so that I can get both 50xp and have Kalindra and Pentin tap into it.

Sydney leaves behind a recipe book called Deflections and Dispellings, as well as a Ring of Power (+15 cold resistance, +15 electrical resistance, +15 fire resistance, Freedom of Movement, +1 regeneration). This will become Qara's ring for the rest of the game. Zhjaeve also takes the True Name Scroll from Sydney.

*Evil* The video is fundamentally along the same lines during the evil playthrough. The one difference is that Zarathos avoids asking Sydney about her companion. The idea is to avoid an influence gain with Qara.

Stop the Shadow Reavers

I return to the courtyard of Crossroad Keep, and watch an argument between Ammon Jerro and Zhjaeve. I order Zhjaeve to show the True Name scroll to Ammon Jerro, which results in a -1 influence with Zhjaeve. The reason is that as much as possible I want to gain, not lose, influence with Ammon Jerro to achieve a sort of partial redemption for him towards the climax.

However the conversation shakes out, the net result is that either Ammon Jerro or Zhjaeve can use the True Name scroll on a Shadow Reaver in order to render it vulnerable to final defeat.

I then enter the Keep itself, where Kana reveals the location of the Shadow Reaver Camp on the world map. Keep Time is now at 22%.

I also speak to Guyven of the Road, who hints at the idea of sneaking up on the Shadow Reaver from behind.

*Evil* Stop the Shadow Reavers

The equivalent video for Zarathos. He falls in with Zhjaeve's request not to show the True Name scroll to Ammon Jerro for the time being. That choice leads to a -1 influence with Ammon Jerro, and the intention is to get a different reaction from him towards the climax.

Ziffer's Charter

I leave and re-enter the Keep. The number of Peasants now reaches at least 30, so a bailiff named Ziffer will want to set up a village on my lands by signing a charter. I derive as much long-term monetary benefit as I can by successfully using two Appraise checks and a Diplomacy check before signing the Charter.

I speak to Kana again, and the Bandits that attacked the Halfling Village of Leeves have been completely routed.

I speak to Kana a third time, and the other special mission has been completed. The bandit group has been completely routed, and Doman the Ogre is dead. I now get the Will of the Lost (Club +1, +3 vampiric regeneration) as a reward.

Captain Brelaina's Request

I speak to Kana again, and the subject of Captain Brelaina wanting some of my Greycloaks to help with the evacuation comes up. People aren't really sure if there's any in game consequence to any of the available choices, including whether there's an actual reduction in the number of Greycloaks at the Keep. I instructed Captain Brelaina to send my regrets.

Organizing the Men and Assigning the Sergeants

*NOTE* There is a bug whereby if you change the assignment of the Greycloaks while a Special Mission is still in progress, subsequent Special Missions will take longer and longer to resolve. In fact, the later Special Missions are very likely to go uncompleted by the time Keep Time reaches 100%. It is only after Kana confirms for me that the Doman the Ogre Special Mission has been completed that I can now proceed with the set up I want.

First, I assign the Greycloaks to patrol both the lands and the roads equally. The idea is to ensure a steady influx of both taxable Peasants and taxable merchants.

It then becomes a question of how to assign the Sergeants. Each Sergeant provides their own bonuses (or penalties) depending on how they are assigned. The bonuses for Light of Heaven's possible assignments are as follows:

The bonuses for Katriona's possible assignments are as follows: The bonus for Bevil's possible assignments are as follows: Keep in mind that Bevil's first-time assignment will become permanent, and cannot be changed afterwards.

Jalboun actually has mostly penalties, except when placed on special assignments, as follows:

It's obvious that special assignments is the only safe place for Jalboun. I also assign Katriona to special missions, since some of the special missions need her for them to get the best results. I assign Light of Heavens on patrols in order to ensure a steady influx of taxable peasants and merchants. I assign Bevil to patrol the High Road in order to raise Merchant Growth. This is the set up I have in place for most of my management of Crossroad Keep, and I wanted to get it off the ground as soon as possible.

Ziffer's Men

I go down to the Keep Basement, and then come back up to the Main Level. This will avoid advancing Keep Time. Some of the men from Ziffer's village would like to join the Greycloaks. Agreeing completely to his request will mean more Greycloaks but at the cost of lower quality and standards. I use a Diplomacy check to accept only those of Ziffer's men that meet the highest quality standards, but without taking a hit by increasing the Unrest value which would have happened if I failed the Diplomacy check.

The Captain's Company

Next time I enter the keep, I have met a prerequisite in that the Greycloaks training is now designated as the "Best of the Best", plus I have Katriona as a Sergeant. What now happens is that Katriona and Lieutenant Kana propose the formation of the Captain's Company. Choosing to form the Company is meant to provide an increase to Greycloak Morale (+20 Greycloak Morale) while taking a small hit to Greycloak Unit Strength. The penalty is not properly implemented though, so it becomes win-win to form the Company.

The dialogue options about what the goal of the Company have the following repercussions:

I chose the "Protect the land and its people option" both for the +10 good alignment and as having the best long term benefits for the Keep. *Evil* Zarathos chose the "Cause terror ..." option as a roleplaying decision.

Tax Collector Special Mission

I speak to Kana again, and she brings up the Tax Collector Mission since Keep Time is now at 27%. The easy way out is to decline to collect the tax, which results in a straight +2 to Peasant Growth Modifier.

I instead choose to go with a light tax, but also make an Appraise check and a Diplomacy check to squeeze more out of it. Also, having a Good alignment or a high Charisma will void any Unrest for taxing choices. However, the options based on lying will incur a Greycloak Civility penalty. For example, "[Bluff/Lie] Ask them for donations to help with war veterans and widows" will result in -1 Greycloak Civility.

The next parameter involves how I want the tax collectors to interact with the Peasants during the collection. The options are as follows:

Squeezing the peasants harder will get more tax out of each peasant that does happen to be at the Keep, but it will also result in a reduced future influx of Peasants coming to the Keep. Going easy on the Peasants will result in less tax in the short term but it will in the long term result in more taxable peasants coming to the Keep. I went with the first option.

Daerred's Third Mission

I enter the Keep again, where Daerred and his troupe are begging for another mission. I can either 'fire them' so to speak, or choose the only mission that they'll survive through, the one that involves investigating Illefarn. I chose the latter, and away they go.

I speak to Kana yet again. The Tax Collector Special Mission has completed, so I have some extra funds in the Keep coffers. Keep Time is now at 30%.

Completion of the mission has also thrown off my previous tax arrangements. So I speak to Kana yet again to set the taxes. I leave both the Merchants and the Peasants untaxed, while resetting only the Merchant Tithe that is available through the Appraise check. The reason I do this is because I want to max out both my Road and Lands upgrades (meaning more Merchants and Peasants coming to the Keep) before I raise taxes.


Leaving and re-entering to speak to Kana at this point will not trigger another special event. So now I take the opportunity to instruct Master Veedle to widen the roads for 10,000gp. That pushes Keep Time to 32%.

Now I enter the Keep again. Now I have another decision on my hands. Kana is indignant that somebody named Dobbson accepted what could be viewed either as a tip or a bribe in exchange for not inspecting a merchant's caravan. The possible options are:

The third or fourth options are in my view the most beneficial in the long term, so I went with the third one. Keep Time is now at 35%.

Merchant Coster

First, I instruct Master Veedle to cobble the roads for 35,000gp. This puts Keep Time at 37%.

Next, I instruct Master Veedle to perform extensive work on the roads for 50,000gp. That puts Keep Time at 40%. One point is to accelerate the Merchant Growth Modifier for the Keep. That in turn helps trigger another special event.

Now I enter the Keep. Having at least 50 merchants triggers the need for another decision, which merchant coster will I allow to set themselves up at the Keep. The possibilities are:

The choice is again that conundrum between short term or long term gain. I chose the Circle of Friends, but without having made the Appraise check beforehand. I want to keep Valeria in her Chaotic Good alignment. Keep Time is now at 42%.

I speak to Kana again. Daerred has survived his last mission. So now I get from him another note, plus the Ring of Positive Thinking (-1 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence, +15 negative energy resistance) out of gratitude for giving his troupe three missions that they survived.

Bugbears Special Mission

I speak with Kana yet again, and now there is another special mission available, which is to clear some Bugbears out of the eastern borders of the Keep Lands. This special mission is available from Keep Time 37% to 45%, but I wanted to get the Merchant Coster event out of the way first.

I leave the Keep, and instruct Master Veedle to build new bridges and watchtowers for the roads for 100,000gp. This is the maximum upgrade for the roads. Keep Time is now at 45%.

I re-enter the Keep and speak with Lieutenant Kana. The optimum result has been obtained, as the Bugbears have been crushed. I also get Nasher's Ring of Strength (+3 Strength) as a special reward. I have no use for it, so I'll just sell it.

I speak to Kana again. I decide to tax the Merchants a light tithe, in addition to the special tax that can be ascertained through Appraise, since my road upgrades have greatly increased Road Security.

Raven's Allies

I leave the Keep and instruct Master Veedle to reinforce the Keep walls for 50,000gp. That puts Keep Time at 52%.

I then enter the Keep. A mercenary company called the Raven's Allies offers to join the Greycloaks. Accepting the request will increase the number of Greycloaks, but it may also result in a decrease of Greycloak Elite status and a decrease for civility, so I turn them down. Besides, I'm getting a steady influx of Peasants and Greycloak volunteers as it is. Keep Time is now at 52%.

Undead Scouts Special Mission

I enter the Keep. Another special mission becomes available, which is to send the Greycloaks after undead scouts who are checking out my placements. Successful resolution of the special mission requires Training 4+, Weapon +1, Armor +1, and Greycloak Morale +2, as well as either Katriona or Bevil assigned to special missions.

I leave the Keep, and enter it again. The reward for successful completion of the mission is 2,000gp and another Watchman's Helm (light, +8 Listen, +8 Search, +8 Spot). Khelgar wears it since it provides bonuses to skills that he has been developing. Keep Time is now at 55%.

Guard Tower

I begin by instructing Master Veedle to build reinforced towers for 100,000gp. This is the maximum possible upgrade for the Keep fortifications. It also puts Keep Time to 57%.

I speak with a couple of people just a little to the right from the front gate of the Keep. One is Startear, who would like to build a wizard's tower in the Keep. However, Sir Nevalle would like to build a Guard tower in the same spot. I can't have both. I have to choose one or the other. Either choice will also raise Land Security by +10.

If you're interested in the Wizard's Tower, Startear will sell a lot of Wizard-themed equipment like magical rings, scrolls, wands, distillable creature parts, staves and robes. The two items of interest might be a Staff of Valmaxian that inflicts extra fire damage, as well as a White Robe of the Archmagi that can be worn by a protagonist Wizard or Sorcerer with a good alignment.

I prefer to build the Guard Tower, which puts Keep Time at 60%. It will sell quite a few magical weapons and armors, such as a Red Dragon Scale full plate armor, and a +5 Tower Shield. The real benefit of the Guard Tower from my perspective is that I can buy unlimited magical ammunition as long as I have the gold. Definitely a good thing to have should Bishop or Grobnar be close to running out of arrows.

However, for now, I buy 50 Adamantine Ingots and 50 Mithral Ingots from the Quartermaster. I don't show it in any video, but I'll use them to craft Adamantine Armors and Mithral Shields for profit.

And again, I don't show this in the video, but I grab the opportunity to sell a lot of the expensive items I've been lugging around to the Quartermaster. He can offer a maximum of 20,000gp on individual purchases.

There will also be an Armor of the Command (Scale Armor +3, Charisma +2, Diplomacy +5) near the entrance. I'll sell it off too.

I enter the Keep again. I instruct Lieutenant Kana to place a light tithe on the Peasants, since I've maxed out upgrades that can raise Land Security. Keep Time is now at 62%.

The Church

I instruct Master Veedle to build the Church. The alternative was to build a Monastery, but it emphasizes Monk-specific items whereas I've already gotten what I wanted for Khelgar.

The Church has a merchant that sells items geared mostly towards Clerics. One item that I purchase for Zhjaeve is the Girdle of Holy Might (+1 5th level Cleric spell, +1 6th level Cleric spell, +1 7th level Cleric spell), made possible by Zhjaeve wearing the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength that allows her to wear her armor without encumbrance.

The next item for Zhjaeve is the Loremaster's Mace (Mace +4, +3 Wisdom, Extra Turning, +1d6 divine damage), which will be her weapon for the rest of the game. The +3 Wisdom will mesh with Zhjaeve's Wisdom score of 21 (after her 20th level), leading to an impressive Wisdom of 24.

Zhjaeve will wear the Elven Ceremonial Armor, which has a +1 enhancement bonus, and the Dragon Shield, which has a +2 enhancement bonus, for the rest of the game. The enhancement bonuses are minor, and they can't have any further enchantments added to them through the Craft Arms and Armor feat, but Zhjaeve can easily overcome this by casting a Magic Vestment spell on both her armor and shield thereby letting her have her cake (the other benefits offered by the armor and the shield) and eat it too (raising the armor and shield's enhancement bonuses to +5).

I bought Qara the Greater Amulet of Health (immunity to ability / level drain, immunity to poison, immunity to disease, +1 regeneration). It is all part of the plan of immunizing as many comrades as possible against level and ability draining.

I have one last purchase, the Shield of Prator (Heavy Shield +5, spell resistance 14, +4 Wisdom, +10 acid resistance, +15 cold resistance, +10 electrical resistance, +10 fire resistance, +10 sonic resistance) for Elanee. This is a linchpin for Elanee's set up. The Wisdom bonus is always welcome for a Druid, but it also frees up her amulet slot for an Amulet of Will +6 that she'll get later on. The elemental resistances will stack with those provided by a Ring of Elemental Resistance that she'll also acquire later on. Furthermore, all of the shield's benefits will transfer to her Wild Shape, including the +4 bonus to Wisdom. It is this item in particular that allows Elanee to take the fullest advantage of her Natural Spell feat, as she'll never lose any bonus spells when she changes shape.

*Note* It is possible for a Paladin or Cleric Knight-Captain to get a special quest from Ivarr to kill the Red Dragon named Tholapsyx that resides in the Fiery Canyon near Mount Galardrym. If a Paladin accepts the quest beforehand, and then his or her party kills Tholapsyx afterwards, the reward is the Holy Avenger that will be found in Tholapsyx's hoard, plus 1,000xp when speaking to Ivarr again after the dragon's death. The reward for a Cleric Knight-Captain will be a Loremaster's Mace plus 1,000xp.

*Evil* It is possible for an evil character to get the Atonement quest from Ivarr, which also involves killing Tholapsyx. The reward would be 1,000xp plus a 70 point alignment shift towards Good. In fact, it's entirely possible for an evil Cleric to fulfill both the Atonement quest and the Cleric mission quest to get 2,000xp. However, I have other ideas. I want Zarathos' alignment to remain evil, not least in order to keep his Blackguard abilities, so I'm not interested in the 70 point alignment shift. Note that Ivarr will only offer the Paladin or Cleric quest to either a good-aligned character, or an evil character Ivarr sincerely believes seeks atonement. It is possible for an evil Cleric to bluff Ivarr about wanting atonement so as to get only the Cleric quest, and avoid the alignment shift. However, if requires a pretty hefty Bluff skill check, which Zarathos can't make. So I don't bother.

Bag of Holding

Now I instruct Master Veedle to build the West Wing inside the Keep for 15,000gp. I next enter the Keep. The War Room towards the southeast corner of the interior has a desk with the Crossroad Keep Key.

After that, I instruct Master Veedle to build the Master Suite of the Keep for 15,000gp. I enter the Keep again. The Bedroom towards the southwest corner has a cabinet that needs the Crossroad Keep Key to open. The Cabinet has a Bag of Holding, which can be used to hold a lot of items without adding any weight that counts against Valeria's carrying capacity.

Although I don't show it, I place any items I had in my Greater Magic Bag into my Bag of Holding.

Learning from Sir Nevalle

Here is where I speak to Sir Nevalle and choose the dialogue option that will lead to Valeria getting a permanent +1 to her attack bonus.

My next destination is the Ironfist Stronghold.
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