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Obsidian Entertainment

Video-based Walkthrough for Neverwinter Nights 2

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act III:   Castle Never  |  Neverneath  |  Merchant Quarter  |  Circle of the Mere  |  Crossroad Keep Basement  |  Crossroad Keep  |  Ironfist Stronghold  |  Mount Galardrym  |  Seat of the Mountain  |  Fiery Canyon  |  Wendersnaven  |  Highcliff  |  Shadow Reaver Camp  |  Nolaloth's Valley  |  West Harbor  |  The War Begins  |  Shandra Jerro's Farm  |  Outskirts of Crossroad Keep  |  Seige of Crossroad Keep  |  Vale of Merdelain  |  Inner Sanctum  | 


First War Conference

First, I speak to Sir Nevalle again. I get 2,000xp for readying Crossroad Keep for the coming war, and another 2,000xp for gaining the allegiance of both the Ironfist Dwarves and the Lizardolk. A cutscene ensues whereby Lord Nasher and Sir Nevalle entrust Valeria with leading the war effort.

I now hold a war conference with Lieutenant Kana and all of my companions. The mission becomes one of capturing and destroying the bridges that lead to Crossroad Keep in order to delay the armies of the King of Shadows. I have my choice of two companions. My first choice is Casavir, as he's my main melee tank. My second choice is Qara, as her spells of mass destruction will be very helpful against the hordes of undead that I'm about to battle. Valeria makes a point of choosing a dialogue option to make it clear she values Casavir, in order to gain more influence with him. She also encourages Qara to let loose with her spells, also gaining influence with her.

*Evil* Zarathos chooses Casavir, but unlike Valeria he'll choose dialogue options that will offend Casavir ("I need you to draw undead attacks"). He also selects Ammon Jerro and offends him as well "Be quiet and do as I say" or such). Ammon is a viable alternative, since since Vitriolic Acid / Eldritch Chain combo can wreak havoc on undead forming clusters around my allies.

Daeghun at the Outskirts

I arrive at the outskirts, where Daeghun greets Valeria. I then start off with my buffs, which include as always a damage reduction spell for Valeria and Qara. Valeria also switches over to her Pharaoh's Mace, and casts Greater Magic Weapon on it. Casavir casts Extended Bless Weapon spells on both his own Hammer of Ironfist and on Valeria's mace. One reason for this is so that Valeria is not dependent on its disruption ability against the numerous undead she's about to face. It will also now inflict extra damage against the undead should they make their saving throws against her Pharaoh's Mace. Likewise for the Hammer of Ironfist.

Greycloaks at the Outskirts

I initially have three Greycloak Fighters in my party. I make my way down the trail, fighting groups of undead, sometimes led by Shadow Priests, along the way. The strategy is simple. I let Valeria and Casavir charge right in and attack close up. Qara will unleash her offensive spells at every turn. Valeria will occasionally cast offensive spells herself. At some point, I also gain Greycloak Archers in my party as well.

The party continues to make its way east along the trail. Sometimes I'll encounter Shadow Priests. Their Blade Barrier spells can be very dangerous, either when cast around themselves or over the party. They must be the priority, since killing them will remove any Blade Barriers they cast. Taking out the Priests falls to Qara while Casavir and Valeria are busy taking care of the undead. Sometimes she'll hit a Shadow Priest with an Empowered Chain Lightning if the Priest is surrounded by other enemies as well. If the Priest is by itself, she'll hit with an Empowered Flame Arrow spell.

First Bridge

I previously rested up and re-buffed the party. Now I have Valeria issue a 'follow me' command. She continues forward until she finds a Fireball trap. Qara unleashes a Meteor Swarm on the horde holding the first bridge, while Valeria disarms the trap.

After that, Casavir leads the charge against the oncoming undead. Valeria and Qara finish off the Shadow Priests as quickly as they can with offensive spells to minimize their danger. It becomes a mop up after they fall.

Supply Area

Valeria issues 'follow me' again. I now go east of the bridge for a bit, where I have to kill several more undead and two Shadow Priests. Valeria and Qara pound away with offensive spells, with the taking out the Shadow Priests as quickly as possible. Casavir takes out what few undead get close enough.

Note how Qara can use the Meteor Swarm on a single target for particularly devastating damage. He still managed to get off a Blade Barrier spell over the party, so I simply have Valeria lead everyone forward, onto the Priest, and away from the Blade Barrier. He soon falls.

I get 500xp for discovering the supply area. There will be a few containers with random loot. There will also be several coffins. I get 200xp each time I click on a coffin and expose the Vampire inside to sunlight.

Trail between the Bridges

And here is where I fight a few more undead on a trail in between the first and second bridges. Valeria and Qara simply mow them down with offensive spells so that Valeria can disarm the tangle trap at leisure afterwards.

The Second Bridge

Valeria deactivates her Improved Combat Expertise, because she wants to prioritize striking and killing the undead with her Pharaoh's Mace. She also casts an Extended Haste spell on the party.

I then go on ahead and speak for a bit with Black Garius before he enlarges the undead monsters that have surrounded me and then teleports away. Daeghun and a couple of scouts show up, and take out the two Giant Skeletons that are flanking the Shadow Priest with Blast Globes.

Casavir heads straight for the Shadow Priest and brings him down. Valeria goes after the nearby undead, taking them out one by one with her Pharaoh's Mace. Qara catches as many undead as she can with a Sunburst spell, which kills many of the undead outright, and blinds those that survive. The spell won't harm party members.

Daeghun and his two archers can take away xp from the party if they land the killing blow. Therefore, as much as possible, I want to land the killing blow on the undead. Valeria and Casavir make it a priority to bring down any undead that are 'badly wounded' or 'near death'. Likewise, Qara sometimes waits until a Skeleton Archer high up has been weakened before hitting it something like an Empowered Flame Arrows.

Destroy the Bridges

I use the Blast Globes to destroy the bridges and return to Crossroad Keep. I also get a 3,000xp quest bonus.

Casavir's Pledge

And here's the romance scene involving Casavir.

Now I must defend Crossroad Keep against a siege.
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