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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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Wizard Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Priest Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Priest Spells - Level 1

Sphere : Protection Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 3 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

The caster of the Armor of Faith receives significant protection against melee and magical attacks. This magical armor is a force of energy that absorbs a portion of the damage intended for the caster. At first level, the protection is 5% and every five levels of the caster improves this by another 5%. A 20th level priest would have 25% of her damage 'absorbed' if protected by this spell.


Sphere : All Range : 60 yards
Components : V,S Duration : 6 rounds
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : 50 foot cube
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

Upon uttering the bless spell, the caster raises the morale of friendly creatures and any saving throw rolls they make against fear effects by +1. Furthermore, it raises their attack dice rolls by +1. The caster determines at what range (up to 60 yards) he will cast the spell. At the instant that spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 50-foot cube centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).


Sphere : Enchantment/Charm Range : 30 yards
Components : V,S Duration : 1 round
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 1

This spell enables the priest to command another creature to "die" (sleep) for a single round. At the end of the round, the creature awakens and is unharmed. Creatures with 6 or more hit dice for experience levels are entitled to a saving throw vs spells to ignore the command.


Sphere : Healing Range : Touch
Components : Healing Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 5 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

When casting this spell and laying his hand upon a creature, the priest causes 1-8 points of wound or other injury damage to the creature's body to be healed. This healing cannot affect creatures without corporeal bodies, nor can it cure wounds of creatures not living or of extraplanar origin. Curing is permanent insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage.


Sphere : All Range : Visual range of caster
Components Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Area of screen
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

This spell discovers emanations of evil from any creature. Any evil creature within the range of the spell will glow red briefly.


Sphere : Alteration Range : Visual range of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

This spell causes a feeling of doom to overwhelm the target. For the duration of the spell, the target receives a -2 penalty to all his rolls, this includes THAC0 and saving throws. There is no saving throw for this spell.


Sphere : Alteration Range : Visual range of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 2o foot radius
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 1

By means of this spell, the caster is able to cause plants in the area of effect to entangle creatures within the area. The grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about the creatures, holding them fast for the duration of the spell. A creature that rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell avoids entanglement. All creatures have a +3 bonus to their saves. An entangled creature can still attack.


Sphere : Combat Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : Special
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

By using this spell, the priest can temporarily enchant a small pebble. The magical stone can then be hurled or slung at an opponent. The stone deals 1-4 damage to whomever it hits. The is stone are considered +1 weapons for determining if a creature can be struck (those struck only by magical weapons, for instance), although they do not have any attack or damage bonuses.


Sphere : Protection Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : 10 rounds
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of one foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures against the protected creature receives a penalty of -2 to each attack roll, and any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the protected creature with a +2 bonus.


Sphere : Charm Range : 10 yards
Components : V,S Duration : 1 hour
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 1 creature/4 levels
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 1

The priest instills courage in the spell recipient, raising his morale to its highest. The recipient's morale will gradually reset to normal as the duration runs out. If the recipient is affected by magical fear, this spell is negated.


Sphere : Protection Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 10 rounds
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

When the priest casts a Sanctuary spell, it causes all of his opponents to ignore his existence as if he is invisible. While protected by this spell, the subject cannot take direct offensive action without breaking the spell, but may use non-attack spells or otherwise act in any way that does not violate the prohibition against offensive action. This allows a warded priest to heal wounds, for example, or to Bless himself. He cannot cast spells on other creatures without ending the spell.


Sphere : Combat, Plant Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : 4 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 2 Area of Effect : 1 club
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 1

This spell enables the caster to create a magical cudgel (Blunt Weapon Proficiency) that has a +1 bonus to its attack roll and inflicts 2d4 points of damage against opponents.
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