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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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Wizard Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Priest Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Priest Spells - Level 5

Sphere : Animal, Summoning Range : 60 yards/level
Components : V,S Duration : 3 turns
Casting Time : 8 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

By means of this spell, the caster calls from one to three animals that have 8 Hit Dice or less. The animals summoned aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until the spell duration expires. Only normal or giant animals can be summoned; fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell (no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc).


Sphere : Healing Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 8 Area of Effect : Creature touched
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

This spell is the reverse of cure critical wounds. Instead of healing the creature touched, it causes damage. On a successful touch from the priest, the spell inflicts 27 damage upon the target. The next attack that the priest makes will inflict this effect, however he only has 2 rounds to make the attack before the spell fizzles. Also, if the priest misses the target creature the spell is wasted. There is no saving throw.


Sphere : Chaos Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : 3 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

Chaotic Commands renders a creature immune to magical commands. Suggestion, Charm, Domination, Command, Sleep, Maze and Confusion are all spells that fit into this category. This spell also protects the target from psionic blast. This spell affects only one creature and lasts for the duration or until dispelled.


Sphere : Healing Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 8 Area of Effect : Creature touched
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

The cure critical wounds spell is a very potent version of the cure light wounds spell. The priest lays his hands upon a creature and heals 27 points of damage from wounds or other injuries. The spell does not affect creatures without corporeal bodies, those of extraplanar origin, or those not living.


Sphere : Law Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 3 rounds/level
Casting Time : 2 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

When this spell is cast, the priest effectively draws on the strength of his god and lends it to the target creature, in effect creating a champion. The target gains a bonus to this THAC0 at a rate of 1 for every 3 levels of the caster. So a 9th level priest would confer a THAC0 bonus of 3 to the target, and so on. Also, the target's strength is set to 18/00 for the duration of the spell, with all the bonuses to hit and damage that this strength confers. Note that if the targets strength is above 18/00, it will actually be reduced to this value. The drawback to this is that the priest must concentrate on the connection between the target and his god for the duration of the spell, hence losing the ability to cast any spells during this time. The effect lasts for 3 rounds for every level of the caster or until dispelled.


Sphere : Combat Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 8 Area of Effect : Target creature
Saving Throw : 1/2 Spell Level : 5

When the priest calls down a flame strike spell, a vertical column of fire roars downward striking the exact location called for by the caster. The target must roll a saving throw vs. spell. Failure means the creature sustains 1d8 points of damage per level of the caster; otherwise, the damage is halved.


Sphere : Charm Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 1 round/level of caster
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 20' radius
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 5

As with the first level spell 'Command', this spell enables the priest to command other creatures to "die" (sleep), except with this time the effect lasts for one round per caster level. At the end of the round the creature(s) awaken and are unharmed. The area of effect is similar to that of a stinking cloud or a fireball.


Sphere : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 120 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 6 rounds
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

When this spell is cast by the priest, a horde of creeping, hopping, and flying insects gather and swarm. This swarm will jump first to the target then to the nearest allies of the target, until six targets have been affected. Spell casting within the swarm is impossible (100% failure rate). Creatures in the insect plague, regardless of Armor Class, sustain 1 point of damage for every two seconds they remain within, due to the bites and stings of the insects. Invisibility is no protection. Due to the suffocating nature of the writhing insect swarm, each victim must make a saving vs. breath weapon or run away in fear for a round.


Sphere : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 12 hours
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

When a druid casts this powerful spell upon herself, an outer skin of iron will move up from the ground completely covering her. This skin is, of course, magical and will hinder the druid in no way. The effect of this is to protect the druid from physical attacks such as melee weapons and projectiles. For every 2 levels of the caster and additional skin is gained upon casting, for example a 10th level druid would receive 5 skins. For each skin the druid possesses the spell will stop one attack, so a 10th level druid would be protected from the first 5 attacks made against him but the sixth would affect her normally. The skins will remain on the druid until she is affected by a dispel magic, all of the skins are removed due to physical attacks or the spell duration expires. It is important to note that this will not protect the druid from any area attacks such as fireball; however, it will protect her from physical magical attacks such as magic missile.


Sphere : Protection Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : 3 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Target creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

Upon casting this spell, the recipient receives a resistance to all magic. The resistance conferred is 2% per level of the priest up to a maximum of 40% at 20th level. This resistance is set so if the target already has more magic resistance than the priest would confer, it will actually lower it to the set value. This effect will last for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.


Sphere : Healing Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 5 Area of Effect : 20 foot radius
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

When casting this spell, the priest must picture the faces of his fellow party members clearly and focus on the unity of the group. Upon completion, all members in the party are healed 1d8+1/level hit points. This works regardless of where the party is in relation to one another. Curing is permanent only insofar as the creature does not sustain further damage, caused wounds will heal - or can be cured - just as any normal injury.


Sphere : Illusion/Phantasm Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : Special
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : 10 food radius
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

This spell creates a small handful of pixie dust that the caster can use to toss into the air. Anyone hit by the dust becomes invisible (the range of the dust is about 10'). Of course, the invisible creature is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the creature detectable. Even allies cannot see the invisible creature or his gear, unless these allies can normally see invisible things or employ magic to do so. Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature become visible, items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. The spell remains in effect until it is magically broken or dispelled, until the wizard or recipient cancels it, until the recipient attacks any creature, or until 24 hours have passed. Thus the invisible being can walk around and cast defensive spells, but if he attacks, he immediately becomes visible, although the invisibility enables him to attack first.


Sphere : Necromantic Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : 1 person
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 5

When the priest casts a raise dead spell, he can restore life to a dwarf, gnome, half-elf, halfling, elf or human. Note that the body of the person must be whole, otherwise missing parts are still missing when the person is brought back to life. The person has but 1 hit point when raised and must regain the rest by natural healing or curative magic.


Sphere : Necromantic Range : Caster
Components : V,S Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 5 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

This powerful spell creates waves of anti-negative plane energy that sweep outwards from the caster. This wave disrupts any undead that attempt to attack the caster, pushing them away from the caster for several seconds. There is one wave each round for the duration of the spell. All undead are affected, without a saving throw.


Sphere : Combat Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

This is a powerful combat spell that enhances the priest's physical prowess, transforming him into a juggernaut of destruction. The effect adds 1 temporary hit point for every level of the caster, adds 1 point of strength for every three levels of the caster (to a maximum of 24) and inflicts maximum damage with every hit. The effects last for duration of the spell or until dispelled.


Sphere : Combat Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : Special
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : Creature touched
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 5

Upon casting this spell, the priest has to touch an opponent in order to visit the effect upon them. An item is created upon casting, the next attack made is with this item and the priest will then have 18 seconds in order to make this attack. If the first attack misses, then the item disappears and the spell is wasted, however if the attack succeeds then the victim automatically takes 2d6+9 damage. Also, he must make a save vs. spell or be instantly killed. The spell can be dispelled if cast between the casting of this spell and the necessary attack.


Sphere : Divination Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 8 Area of Effect : 70' radius
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 5

When this spell is cast, an area roughly 70 feet in radius around the caster will be effected. Instantly and once each round for 1 turn after this spell is cast, all hostile illusion/phantasm spells in the area of effect will be dispelled. The spells that are affected by this are: Reflected Image, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Non-detection, Improved Invisibility, Shadow Door, Mislead, Project Image, and Simulacrum. The area of effect is roughly a 70' radius around the caster. The target's magic resistance, if any, does not come into effect with this spell. This spell only affects enemies, thus it is unable to dispel the invisibility from a party member.
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