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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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Wizard Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Priest Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wizard Spells - Level 4

School : Enchantment/Charm Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 2 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Up to 60' cube
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 4

This spell causes confusion in one or more creatures within the area, creating indecision and the inability to take effective action. All creatures within the area of effect are allowed saving throws vs. spells with a -2 penalty. Those successfully saving are unaffected by the spell. The spell lasts for two rounds plus one round for each level of the caster. Those who fail their saving throws will either go beserk, stand confused or wander about for the duration of the spell. Wandering creatures move as far from the caster as possible, according to their most typical mode movement (characters walk, fish swim, bats fly, etc.). Any confused creature that is attacked perceives the attacker as an enemy and acts according to its basic nature.


School : Necromancy Range : 30 yards
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 4

This spell causes a major disease and weakness in a creature. The afflicted individuals is immediately stricken with painful and distracting symptoms: boils, blotches, lesions, seeping abscesses and so on. Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma are reduced by 2. Attack rolls are decreased by 2. The effect persists until the character receives a cure disease spell or spends 1d3 weeks taking a complete rest to recover.


School : Enchantment/Charm Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 2 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 60 foot cube
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 4

When this spell is cast the wizard can affect the emotional state of those around him. The effect of this is to inflict a feeling of hopelessness upon the enemies within the visual sight of the caster. Upon a failed save vs. Spells, the affected can be seen to lay down where they stand and appear to give over all will to a higher power. This will last for the duration of the spell upon which they will return to normal. The secondary effect of this spell is to instill upon the caster the feeling of courage. This will remove any effects of panic and restore his morale, as well as preventing the above from creeping forth into his psyche. There is no save versus this and it will last for the duration of the spell. It will, however, be affected by magic resistance and other such things.


School : Enchantment/Charm Range : Touch
Components : V,S,m Duration : 5 rounds/level
Casting Time : 1 turn Area of Effect : Weapon touched
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a magical one. The weapon is the equivalent of a +1 weapons, with a +1 to attack and damage rolls. Thus arrows, axes, bolts, bows, daggers, hammers, maces, spears, swords, etc., can be made into temporarily enchanted weapons. Two small (arrows, bolts, daggers, etc.) weapon can be affected by the spell. The spell functions on existing magical weapons as long as the total combined bonus is +3 or less.

Missile weapons enchanted in this way lose their enchantment when they successfully hit a target, but otherwise the spell lasts its full duration.


School : Divination Range : Special
Components : V,S,M Duration : 3 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

When Farsight is cast, the caster is able to view an area of an unexplored map. After casting the spell, simply click on a section of the map that you want to view. For the duration of the spell, the caster can spy on that area, noting creatures and fortifications


School : Evocation, Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 2 rounds +1 round/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

When casting this spell, the wizard appears to immolate himself, but the flames are thin wisp, shedding no heat, though giving light equal to only half the illumination of a normal torch. After finally deciding if the flame will be Blue or Red, only then do the effects take place.

A blue flame is cool to the touch. Any fire-based attacks are saved against with a +2 bonus; either half normal damage or no damage is sustained. There is no bonus against cold-based attacks, but if the wizard fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he sustains double normal damage.


School : Evocation Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 2 rounds +1 round/level
Casting Time : Caster Area of Effect : None
Saving Throw Spell Level : 4

When casting this spell, the wizard appears to immolate himself, but the flames are thin wisp, shedding no heat, though giving light equal to only half the illumination of a normal torch. After finally deciding if the flame will be Blue or Red, only then do the effects take place.

A red flame is warm to the touch. Any cold-based attacks are saved against with a +2 bonus; either half normal damage or no damage is sustained. There is no bonus against fire-based attacks, but if the wizard fails to make the required saving throw (if any) against them, he sustains double normal damage.


School : Enchantment/Charm Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 2 rounds/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Up to 60' cube
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spells allows the caster to adversely affect the saving throws of his enemies. The effect is applied to all hostile creatures within the area of effect. Opponents under the influence of this spells make all saving throws at a penalty of -2.


School : Evocation Range : 10 yards/level
Components : V,S,M Duration : Special
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

When this spell is cast, shards of ice smash down on all targets in the area of effect, doing 3-30 points of cold damage.


School : Illusion/Phantasm Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : 10 rounds
Casting Time : 4 round Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spell is similar to the Invisibility spell, but the recipient is able to attack, either by missile discharge, melee combat, or spellcasting, and remain unseen. However, telltale traces, a shimmering, allow an observant opponent to attack the invisible spell recipient. These traces are only noticeable when specifically looked for (after the invisible character has made his presence known). Attacks against the invisible character suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls, and the invisible character's saving throws are made with a +4 bonus.


School : Abjuration Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 5' radius sphere
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the caster that prevents any 1st -, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell effects from penetrating (i.e., the area of effect of any such spells does not include the area of the Minor Globe of Invulnerability). This includes innate abilities and effects from devices. However, any type of spell can be cast out of the magical sphere, and these pass from the caster of the globe to their subject without affecting the minor globe. Spells of the 4th-level and higher are not affected by the globe. The globe can be brought down by a successful Dispel Magic spell.


School : Invocation/Evocation Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spell allows a mage to store spells and access them simultaneously from his special ability button. This ability, the sequencer, can store two spells, both of which must be of 2nd level or lower. A mage can only possess one minor spell sequencer at a time, and the sequencer may not be given to other players. Once the sequencer is used, the special ability icon disappears.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : 3 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spell is much like the 3rd-level spell Monster Summoning I, except that this spell summons 12 Hit Dice of monsters. These appear anywhere within the spell range and attack the caster's opponents, until the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale; they vanish when slain. If no opponent exists to fight and the wizard can communicate with them, the summoned monsters can perform other services for the summoning wizard.


School : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : Target creature
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 4

When this spell is cast, the result is a globe of shimmering force that encloses the subject creature if it fails to successfully save vs. Spells. The Resilient Sphere will contain its subject for the duration of the spell. The Sphere is completely immune to all damage; the only method of removing the Sphere is by the use of a Dispel Magic spell. Hence, the creature caught inside the globe is completely safe from all attacks, but, at the same time, is completely unable to affect the outside world.


School : Alteration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : One creature
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 4

The Polymorph Other spell is a powerful magic that permanently alters the form of the creature affected. Mental attributes are not affected, but the target does not receive the special abilities of the new form. However, all physical attributes are changed to adhere to the new form. This is a specific version of the spell in that the recipient will be transformed into a squirrel unless a save vs. Petrification/Polymorph is made successfully. The transformation is instant and permanent until a Dispel Magic is cast successfully upon the affected creature. The natural attacks of the new form also become available and all cloths and equipment that the target was wearing will mold into the new form.


School : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S Duration : 1 turn +3 rnds/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : The caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to assume the form of another creature. The caster also gains the physical mode of locomotion and breathing as well. This spell does not give the new form's other abilities such as special attacks and magic, nor does it run the risk of the wizard changing personality and mentality. When the spell is cast, for the duration of the spell, the caster may transform into any of the new forms at any time, and as many times as he wishes. The caster gains the natural attacks of the new form in some cases and may use weapons in others. The mental attributes of the wizard remain the same, however, all the physical attributes are attained from the new form. Also, any natural protections that the new form offer are conferred to the wizard, such as the resistance to missile and blunt weapons possessed by a slime.


School : Abjuration Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 4

Upon casting this spell, the wizard is usually able to remove a curse on an object, on a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil presence. Note that the Remove Curse spell does not remove the curse from a cursed shield, weapon, or suit of armor, for example, although the spell typically enables the person afflicted with any such cursed item to get rid of it. Certain special curses may not be countered by this spell, or may be countered only by a caster of a certain level or more.


School : Abjuration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

When this spell is cast at a target creature, it will dispel one spell protection of 8th level and lower. The spells that are affected by this are minor spell turning, minor globe of invulnerability, spell immunity, spell deflection, spell turning, and spell shield. The target's magic resistance if any does not affect this spell.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 40 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 5 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

Upon casting this spell the wizard must throw several spider eggs (which is the material component) into the air while saying the final command word. The result is that the eggs morph into fully grown spiders that will remain under the wizards telepathic control. The type of spiders that appear depend upon the level of the wizard casting the spell.

7th: Giant Spider
9th: Phase Spider
12th: Sword Spider

When the spell is cast, there is a 20% chance that two spiders of the proper type will appear instead of just one. These spider(s) will remain under the wizards control until affected by a dispel magic, slain, or the spell duration expires.


School : Necromancy Range : Touch
Components : V,S Duration : 3 turns
Casting Time : 3 Area of Effect : One creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

This spell is very similar to the 3rd level spell Ghost Armor in that it creates a corporeal barrier around the target's body for the duration of the spell. This spell, however, actually taps into the target's life force in order to create the barrier. The armor itself is weightless, and does not hinder movement or spell casting at all. The Spirit Armor does not work cumulatively with any other armor, however, dexterity bonus' still apply as well as magic rings and a shield. While in effect the armor class of the recipient will be 1, as if he was wearing plate armor. Also, due to the magical nature of the spell, he will also receive a +3 bonus to saves vs. magical attacks. There is a danger, however, as when the spell runs out, the external portion of the spirit is temporarily lost, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon the target.


School : Evocation Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M Duration : Special
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 1 target
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

Arguably one of the best defensive spells ever, Stoneskin makes the affected creature virtually immune to any cut, blow, projectile or the like (although spells and spell damage will still affect the creature as normal). The next 1 to 4 attacks (+1 attack/2 levels of the caster) that strike the creature will simply bounce off with no effect. Casting this spell multiple times does not have a cumulative effect.


School : Alteration Range : Sight of Caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : 30 foot radius
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 4

With this spell, the wizard instigates a teleportation effect as far as the wizard can see. All creatures in this area are randomly teleported for the duration of the spell. This spell is best used against multiple enemies, serving to confuse them and allowing the wizard to concentrate on activating her defenses.


School : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1 turn Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 4

When this spell is employed, the wizard creates an invisible sensory organ that sends him visual information. The wizard eye travels at 30 feet per round if viewing an area ahead as a human would, or 10 feet per round if examining the area like the walls and floor ahead. The wizard eye can see with infravision up to 10 feet, and with normal vision up to 60 feet away in brightly lit areas. The wizard eye can travel in any direction as long as the spell lasts. Solid barriers prevent the passage of wizard eye. The caster is subject to any gaze attack met by the eye.
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