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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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Wizard Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Priest Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wizard Spells - Level 6

School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 40 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 7 rnds +1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

There are two parts to this spell. When cast, the first part is to open up a small portal which will summon 1 or 2 carrion crawlers to a point designated by the wizard. The second part of the magic mutates the carrion crawlers into larger more vicious versions of themselves. The result is that the wizard now has control over these creature(s) until slain, or the spell duration expires at which point if they are still alive, are returned to normal and teleported back to their original location. When the spell is cast there is a 35% chance that two will be summoned instead of just one.


School : Invocation/Evocation Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 5 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : 1/2 Spell Level : 6

When the wizard casts Chain Lightning, arcs of electrical energy burst from his fingertips. These brilliant arcs of lightning leap at all enemies near the caster, burning them with electrical damage. The lightning causes 1d6 points of damage for every two levels of the caster. If the target of the lightning saves against spells only half damage is inflicted. Thus, a 12th level wizard will cause 6d6 damage to a victim (3d6 if the victim makes his saving throw vs spells).


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : Special Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

Upon casting, the caster opens a special gate to the appropriate plane and the elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. It is 60% likely that a 12 hit dice elemental appears, 35% likely that a 16 hit dice elemental appears, and 5% likely that a 24 hit dice elemental appears. Once the elemental appears, the caster must concentrate on the creature for 3 rounds in order to assure that the elemental will not turn on him. However, after this period has passed the elemental will do the bidding of the caster until it is affected by a dispel magic spell, slain, or the duration of the spell runs out. All of the commands given to the elemental are done telepathically, so there is no time lost due to miscommunication and it is not necessary to know the language of the summoned creature.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : Special Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

This spell produces the same effects and hazards as Conjure Air Elemental above.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : Special Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

This spell produces the same effects and hazards as Conjure Air Elemental above.


School : Evocation Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 day/level
Casting Time : 1 turn Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

Upon casting this spell, the wizard is allowed to choose a spell out of his repertoire of known spells. One spell level for every three levels of the caster is allowed up to 18th level or 6th level spells. Once the spell is chosen the caster is allowed to choose a condition of some kind from the list provided. The starting condition can be anything from reaching 10% of his/her hit points to an enemy being sighted. Once this starting condition is satisfied the spell that was chosen will be cast automatically. For example, a 12th level wizard could place the spell stoneskin in a contingency with the starting condition being 'the wizard reaches 50% of hits hit points'. Then in combat once the wizard is reduced to 50% of his hit points or below, stoneskin would be immediately cast upon him. This requires no action by the wizard, it happens automatically and instantaneously. The limitation of this spell is that the target of the spell placed in the contingency must be the caster, therefor it cannot be an offensive spell and cannot target any other party members. Only one contingency may be placed on a caster at a time.


School : Evocation Range : 10 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 15 rounds
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 20 foot radius
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

The casting of a death fog spell creates an area of solid fog that has the additional property of being highly acidic. Animal life not immune to acid suffers 8 points of damage each round exposed to the vapors of the death fog. Death fog will also instantly kill all summoned creatures, regardless of hit dice or immunities.


School : Necromancy Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 30 foot radius
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

When a death spell is cast, it snuffs out the life forces of creatures in the area of effect instantly and irrevocably. Such creatures cannot be raised or resurrected, but an individual slain in this manner might be brought back via a wish. Creatures with more than 8 hit dice are immune to this spell, with the exception of summoned creatures which are slain automatically.


School : Alteration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 6

Upon casting this spell at another creature, a thin green ray is shot out. Upon contact, the creature must make a saving throw vs spells or be transformed into dust. This transformation is instantaneous and irreversible. There is also a good chance that this will destroy some if not all of the items that the creature is carrying.


School : Alteration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 6

This spell turns flesh of any sort to stone. All possessions on the person of the creature likewise turn to stone. The intended subject of the spell receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. If a statue created by this spell is subjected to attacks of any sort it will shatter into tiny pieces making it impossible for the creature to be returned to flesh. The reverse of this spell may be cast upon the victim in order to restore life, but this is the only way.


School : Abjuration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 4 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the caster that prevents any 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th level spell effects from penetrating (i.e., the area of effect of any such spells does not include the area of the globe of invulnerability). This includes innate abilities and effects from devices. However, any type of spell can be cast out of the magical sphere, and these pass from the caster of the globe to their subject without affecting the minor globe. Fifth and higher level spells are not affected by the globe. The globe can be brought down by a successful dispel magic spell.


School : Alteration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 3 rnds+1 rnd/level
Casting Time : 3 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

The affected creature functions at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature gains a -2 initiative bonus. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round. Spellcasting and spell effects are not sped up. There are three major differences between the third level wizard spell haste and this spell. The first major difference is that there is no period of fatigue following the expiration of the spell. The second major difference is that this spell will only affect one creature. Finally, this haste spell actually doubles the number of attacks for the hasted creature. Note that this spell negates the effects of a slow spell. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 40 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 9 hours
Casting Time : 1 round; Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

This spell summons and invisible stalker from the Elemental plane of Air. This 8 hit dice monster obeys and serves the spellcaster in performing whatever tasks are set before it. Even if this means being sent to certain death. The creature remains under the casters control for 9 hours or until it is killed at which point it will return to its native plane, only slightly annoyed at having to serve a mortal.


School : Illusion/Phantasm Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

When this spell is cast the wizard is affected with an improved invisibility spell and is teleported a few feet away from his original position. Meanwhile an exact image of the caster is created where he used to be with exactly the same hit points as the caster. The image will remain close to the caster mimicking all of the casters combat actions. This image will remain until it is reduced to 0 hit points or until it is affected by a dispel magic or a spell that destroys illusions such as true sight.


School : Abjuration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Special
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : Special Spell Level : 6

When this spell is cast upon a target creature there will be two major effects. The first is that the creature's magic resistance will be lowered by 1% per level of the caster. The second is that it will cancel one spell protection of 6th level and lower on the creature. For example, if this spell was cast by a 15th level wizard, the target creature would lose 15% magic resistance from his current total reducing it to 0 if less than that remains as well as canceling one 6th level or lower spell protection. The list of spells that this includes is minor spell deflection, minor spell turning, spell deflection, minor globe of invulnerability, spell immunity and globe of invulnerability. Magic resistance does not affect this spell, nor do any of the spell protections. The resistance remains lowered for 1 round per level of the caster.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 30 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 3 rounds
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

In using this spell the wizard points at an individual and utters the power word. For the next three rounds that creature and everything within 1 foot of the creature cannot make any sound. This silence completely foils any spells that require verbal components. The only counter to this spell is a dispel magic and vocalize. There is no saving throw.


School : Abjuration Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

The effect of a protection from magic energy spell lasts no longer than one turn per caster level. When the spell is cast it confers 50% invulnerability to all magic based attacks such as magic missile or abi dalzim's horrid wilting. This effect lasts for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.


School : Abjuration Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M Duration : 4 rounds
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

When the spell is cast it confers complete invulnerability to all magical weapons. This includes weapons that are blessed or enchanted. The attacks of powerful monsters are also considered magical weapons. This spell cannot be cast on anyone who is protected from normal weapons immunity as well as anyone protected by mantle, improved mantle, or absolute immunity. Due to the nature of this spell with the short speed factor and duration it is mainly used to buy the wizard a few rounds in the thick of combat. This effect lasts for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.


School : Abjuration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 3 rounds/level
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

This powerful abjuration spell causes any spells cast against the wizard to be absorbed and consumed. This affects a total of 10 spell levels. This includes spells cast from scrolls and innate spell-like abilities, but excludes the following: area effects that are not centered directly upon the wizard as well as area effects that are stationary such as cloud kill and stinking cloud. As long as the spell is cast directly at the wizard it will be absorbed. Something to note is that as long as there are levels remaining then the spell will be absorbed. For example if there is only 1 level left and a 3rd-level spell is cast at the wizard, the spell will be absorbed while canceling the spell deflection. It is important to note that this spell will not turn a dispel magic that affects the area the caster is in however the dispel magic will not dispel spell turning but simply pass harmlessly past it like a fireball would for instance.


School : Abjuration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

This spell is the reverse of Flesh to Stone and will return any creature that has been turned to stone back into flesh. All possessions on the creature likewise will return to normal. The effect is instantaneous and there is no saving throw or system shock check required.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 40 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

By casting the summon nishruu spell the wizard calls a magical being of considerable power into existence, the nishruu. At first glance this appears to be some sort of mist but upon closer examination this boiling, churning, red mass of vapors and shapes moves with a life of its own. Drawn towards magic like a moth to the flame, the nishruu feed on the energies surrounding and used by wizards. Luckily, there is no question as to the loyalty of the creature and it will not attack its summoner even though it would like nothing better. The nishruu have no physical attacks at all, however they can be hurt by physical attacks. Each time a nishruu touches a target wizard and wraps its tendrils around him there are two major effects. First of all, magical items with charges that the target possesses will be drained by one charge, destroying them if only one remains. The second is it causes the wizard to lose one memorized spell, this is chosen at random, however it will consume the highest level possible. The nishruu is completely immune to magic and not only that, but magic will actually heal this creature. The creature will remain under the wizard's control until reduced to 0 hit points or the spell duration expires.


School : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

Tenser's transformation is a sight guaranteed to astound any creature not aware of its power, for when the wizard casts the spell, he undergoes a startling transformation. The size and strength of the wizard increase to heroic proportions, so he becomes a formidable fighting machine; the spell causes the caster to become a berserk fighter. The wizard's hit points double, and all damage he sustains comes first from the magical points gained. The armor class of the wizard is 4 better than he possessed prior to casting the spell up to a maximum armor class of -10. All attacks are as a fighter of the same level as the wizard (i.e., the wizard uses the combat values normally reserved for fighters). As well, each attack is made at +2 and each successful hit in combat inflicts an additional 2 points of damage. The effect lasts for the duration or until dispelled. Note: This spell does not give the caster any extra attacks.


School : Divination Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 6 Area of Effect : 20 foot radius
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

When cast at a point designated by the wizard this spell will cancel all hostile illusion/phantasm spells in the area. The spells that are affected by this are reflected image, invisibility, mirror image, non-detection, improved invisibility, shadow door, mislead, project image, and simulacrum. The area of effect is roughly a 20 foot radius around the target. The target's magic resistance, if any, does not come into effect with this spell. This spell only affects enemies, thus it is unable to dispel the invisibility from a party member.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : 40 yards
Components : V,S Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1 round Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 6

When this spell is cast, the wizard opens up a magical channel that will summon a wyvern to his aid. This creature will be totally under his mental control with no chance of it turning on him except, of course, through magical means like charm monster. The creature will remain under the wizard's control and will live and die at his command until the spell duration expires.
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