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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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Wizard Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Priest Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wizard Spells - Level 9

School : Abjuration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 4 rounds
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

The effect of an Absolute Immunity spell lasts no longer than 4 rounds. When the spell is cast it confers complete invulnerability to all weapons except for those of +5 or better enchantment. This spell is incredibly powerful hence the duration is so short. However the casting time is also very short making this spell incredibly useful in the thick of combat where buying a few seconds can mean the difference between life or death. It is important to note that this spell does not work in combination with protection from magic weapons. This spell lasts for the duration or until dispelled.


School : Evocation Range : 0 SP
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

This spell enables the caster to create a black, blade-shaped planar rift, about three feet long. It jumps into the caster's hand and is used as a normal sword, remaining there for the duration of the spell. The caster is considered to be proficient in this weapon. The sword acts as a +5 weapon and deals 2-24 damage to its victims. While using this weapon the wizard uses the THAC0 of a fighter of half his level. For example, if this is cast by an 18th level wizard, he would use combat tables for a 9th level fighter and hence his base THAC0 would be 12. Also, every time this hits a target the victim must make a save vs. death at +4 or be disintegrated.


School : Evocation Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : Special
Casting Time : 1 turn Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

Chain contingency channels some of the magical energy of the mage and releases it only under certain circumstances. Basically, the mage chooses three spells, which will be released under certain conditions such as being hit by an enemy. When this condition occurs, all three spells are cast immediately. Spells of any level may be used in the chain contingency.


School : Necromancy Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 3 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

The casting of this spell opens a channel between the caster's plane and the negative energy plane. The caster of the spell acts as a conduit between the two planes, sucking life from a victim and transferring it to the negative energy plane, draining the victim of 2 levels of experience. The target of this spell loses levels, Hit Dice, hit points, and abilities permanently. These levels can only be restored through adventuring or by the 7th level priest spell Restoration.


School : Abjuration Range : Special
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

This is the reverse of the spell imprisonment. When a creature is imprisoned, he is trapped in a sphere far beneath the surface of the earth. If this spell is cast in the area where he was imprisoned it will instantly free him and he will reappear exactly where he was standing when he was imprisoned. This spell will also cancel the effects of the spell maze and return any characters trapped in the labyrinth of planes.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : 33 rounds
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

By means of this spell, the caster calls an outer planar creature to attack her foes and herself if not careful. The creature summoned in is a Pit Fiend, one of the most powerful demons. This Pit Fiend will attack anyone not protected from evil, including the caster and her party.


School : Abjuration Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

When the imprisonment spell is cast and the victim is touched, the recipient is entombed in a state of suspended animation in a small sphere far beneath the surface of the earth. The victim remains there unless a reverse of the spell, freedom, is cast. Otherwise, the victim will remain there as long as the earth exists, rather a horrible fate actually. If a freedom spell is cast in the area where the creature was imprisoned then he will reappear exactly where he was last standing. Dispel magic will not free creatures trapped in this manner. There is no saving throw.


School : Evocation Range : 90 yards
Components : V,S,M Duration : 4 rounds
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

When the caster utters the words to this powerful spell, he calls into being powerful forces. These forces pull down meteors from above, hurling them randomly at any in the area of effect. Any caught in the destructive path of the meteors - whether friend or foe - will suffer 4-40 points of damage, with no saving throw. The caster is well advised to be careful in his use of this spell.


School : Conjuration/Summoning Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 1 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

When a power world, kill spell is uttered, one creature within the spell range is slain. The power word slays a creature with up to 60 hit points. Even if the creature's maximum hit points are higher than 60, the current hit points are used for this determination. There is no saving throw.


School : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 5 turns
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

With this spell, a wizard is able to assume the form of a powerful creature (mind flayer, iron golem, greater wolfwere, earth elemental, fire elemental or giant troll). The spellcaster becomes the creature he wishes and has almost all of its abilities. Thus, he can change into a mind flayer to stun his opponents and then become an earth elemental to crush his foes. These creatures have whatever hit points the wizard had at the time of the shapechange. Each alteration in form requires only a second, and no system shock is incurred.


School : Abjuration/Alteration Range : Sight of caster
Components : V,S,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 5 Area of Effect : 1 creature
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

When this spell is cast at a target creature it will dispel all of the magical protections that surround that creature. This includes minor spell turning, minor globe of invulnerability, spell immunity, globe of invulnerability, minor spell deflection, spell turning, spell shield, spell deflection, spell invulnerability, and spell trap. The target's magic resistance if any does not affect this spell.


School : Abjuration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 0 Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

This powerful spell creates a barrier of magical protection around the spellcaster. Every spell that hits the barrier is absorbed by the power of the spell trap - making the caster recall a previously cast spell of that level. For example, a wizard shields himself with spell trap and is then hit by a Flame Arrow (3rd level spell). He gets three spell levels back - if he cast three Magic Missile spells he re-memorizes those three spells. The spell trap protects against 30 levels of protection (i.e., ten flame arrows or five fingers of death). The spell trap can absorb any level of spell, from one to nine.


School : Alteration Range : 0
Components : V,S,M Duration : 6 rounds
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None Spell Level : 9

Upon casting a time stop spell, the wizard causes the flow of time to stop for one round in the area of effect. Inside the sphere, the caster is free to act for six rounds of apparent time. The wizard can move and act freely within the area where time is stopped, but all other creatures are frozen in their actions, for they are literally between ticks of the time clock (The spell duration is subjective to the caster.) Nothing can enter the area of effect without being stopped in time also. When the spell duration ceases, the wizard is again operating in normal time.


School : Necromancy Range : 0 SP
Components : V,s,M Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 9 Area of Effect : 30 foot radius
Saving Throw : Negates Spell Level : 9

At the culmination of this dreadful spell, the wizard screams like a banshee (groaning spirit). Everyone in the area of effect hears the awful cry. Those who fail a saving throw vs. death magic die instantly. The caster and companions are immune to the effects of the Wail.
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