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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Main Game: Main Quests | Character Quests | Side Quests | Tasks | Bounties
Faction Quests: Huana | Principi | Royal Deadfire Company | Vailian Trading Company
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Character Quests: The Lighted Path (Eder) | The Lantern of Gaun (Xoti) | The Painted Masks (Aloth) | A Sorcerer and a Gentleman (Serafen) | The Man of Chimes (Pallegina) | The Courier's Calling (Maia)

A Sorcerer and a Gentleman

World Map

  1. Captain Furrante and SerafenComplete the To Hunt a God quest, and then board your newly repaired ship to access the World Map. Captain Furrante's Ship will home in on you. It doesn't matter what you try during the scripted interaction. He's going to board you.

    He'll give you the quest called Blow the Man Down, which involves somehow dealing with Captain Benweth. Captain Furrante loans you the services of his best shiphunter, Serafen, who can now join your party.

    And Serafen joining your party triggers this quest.

  2. Fort Deadlight is at #4 on the World Map. Clicking on it the first time prompts a scripted interaction, where it becomes a question of how to make your initial entry.

  3. The safest and most reliable way is to sail your ship up to dock with your ship donning Principi colors. You can get the colors either by defeating any of the Enemy Ships that carry the colors and taking them, being given them by Dereo the Lean after completing The Cornett's Call Quest for him, or by stealing it from Mad Morena's quarters in the Undercroft.

  4. Another way is possible is you have a Spyglass. Wait until nightfall, although that results in any resting bonuses you might have expiring. You now end up at #13 in Fort Deadlight. Click on #14, and use a Rope and Grappling Hook along with an Athletics check of 3 to scale up the wall to the window. You will end up at the Deadlight Dungeon at #3.

  5. A third way is to make a frontal attack. That means sustaining some significant damage to your ship and its sails, even with a sturdy ship like a Galleon or a Junk. It also means committing yourself to literally slaughtering everyone in the Fort to complete the Quest, including a prospective sidekick named Mirke.

  6. Fort Deadlight

  7. You'll start off at #1 on the map of Fort Deadlight. Serafen will want to talk to you once you get to #6 or close enough.

    He's concerned about a former acquaintance named Remaro, whom he feels has fallen under undeserved condemnation from the Principi. He would like to find out more about Remaro's whereabouts.

  8. The entrance to the Deadlight Court is at #10.

  9. Deadlight Court

  10. You start off at #1 on the map of the Deadlight Court.

    Serafen will want to talk to you again. Siryi the Siren could perhaps offer some helpful information. But he warns you that she won't be happy to see him, since he was intimate with her and left her soon after.

  11. Siryi the Siren will be at #4. She has a mouthful and then some for Serafen, but she's nonetheless willing to explain that Remaro left a chest in his personal quarters in the northeast corner of the Court. Any of the available background or skill checks aren't needed to get the clue from her, but they affect the specifics of her responses.

  12. Remaro's quarters are on the other side of the locked door at #6. Trying to unlock and get through the door in plain sight of the nearby guards will provoke everyone in the Court to become hostile, including Mirke who will have been at #3.

  13. The safest and immediate way is to make your way to the Deadlight Dungeon, the entrance to which is at #9 on the map of Fort Deadlight.

  14. Deadlight Dungeon

  15. You start off at #1 on the map of the Deadlight Dungeon. You can open the door at #5 with either a decent Mechanics skill or the Deadlight's Storage Key if you found it during the Blow the Man Down Quest.

    You can send a character with Stealth to go northeast and northwest past the guards in the northeast powder room, and then open the door at #10 from the other side. The whole party can then make their way to the stairs at #11.

    Note that if Mirke sent you here to find a Special Stew for a party as part of the Blow the Man Down Quest, a few guards will blow by you and in the process leave the doors at #5 and #10 open for you.

    The stairs at #11 lead to #7 on the map of the Deadlight Court, on the other side of the door at #6.

  16. The chest at #8 prompts a search by Serafen, who finds a letter to him from Remaro. The letter indicates that Udyne may know something of Remaro's current whereabouts.

    Trying to take the letter away from Serafen will lose reputation with him, while respecting his privacy will win reputation with him.

  17. Neketaka

  18. You'll now need to travel to Neketaka, which is at #15 on the World Map. You initially start off in the Queen's Berth district.

    Travelling from Queen's Berth to another district with Serafen in your party will result in an encounter with a Principi captain named Malnaj. She's very interested in tracking down Remaro himself, with a view towards punishing him as a Principi traitor. What you say won't result in a battle, and won't affect your reputation with the Principi, although the response based on "insult Serafen and you insult me" will gain reputation with Serafen.

    Periki's Overlook will be the district you'll want to head to.

  19. Periki's Look

  20. Entrances to the Luminous Bathhouse are at #15 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

  21. Luminous Batthouse, Level 1

  22. You'll be at one of the doors marked #1 on the map of the Luminous Bathhouse. Speak to Udyne at #4, who will relate that Remaro has gone off to Sayuka.

    Verbally agreeing with Serafen that you need to go to Sayuka as soon as possible will earn reputation with him.

  23. Sail to Sayuka, which is at #45 on the World Map.
  24. Sayuka

  25. RemaroYou'll start off at #1 on the map of Sayuka.

    Remaro will be waiting at #5. Now question Remaro as to why he fled from Fort Deadlight. Having completed the Symbols of Death Quest for Captain Furrante will enable dialogue options that can get him to reveal that he was a party to slaving prior to his mutiny. An Insight check of 10 will help in that regard too.

    Serafen will feel hurt if the revelation of Remaro's slaving past comes out. But whether that past comes out or not, Serafen will remain adamant about not bringing Remaro in to the Principi. He will not budge from that position. You can try an Intimidate check of 5 and a Streetwise check of 7, but they only elicit different verbal responses with the same position. The Intimidate check will actually lose reputation with him. It becomes a choice between letting Remaro go and keeping Serafen in the party, or attacking Remaro only for Serafen to leave the party for good and attack you alongside Remaro.

    Killing Remaro causes the Quest to fail, and results in a diminished xp reward. If you do that, be sure to collect Remaro's Head if you killed him.

  26. If you let Remaro go peacefully, he'll give you a Blunderbuss called Fire in the Hole. And if you have 2 points of positive reputation with Serafen, he'll speak to you and offer you a hat called Fair Favor as a gift.

  27. Malnaj will now confront you on her ship the next time you leave Sayuka by ship. There is always the option to attack her and her crew throughout the conversation. And she herself is willing to start a battle if she concludes that you're lying to her about Remaro's fate and location. She and her mates will leave behind plenty of Fine and Exceptional gear should you win.

    You'll have a dialogue option that invokes the good graces of the Principi's governing council if you have at least 2 points of positive reputation with the Principi. However, it needs to be backed up with a combined Intimidate check of 10 and Streetwise check of 10. Meeting all of those conditions will convince her to leave you be.

    You can indicate that Remaro is dead, followed by making a combined Diplomacy check of 8 and Streetwise check of 5. It also requires giving her 2,000cp as a share of the bounty. Failing the spot checks, or Serafen being in the party, again causes her to attack you.

    You can choose a dialogue option that earns Clever disposition, followed by a Bluff check of 8 to convince Malnaj that Remaro has escaped. Failing the spot check, or Serafen being in the party, causes Malnaj to not believe you and attack.
  28. Karatapu Channel, Sanctum Island

  29. If you do manage to use Bluff on Malnaj to convince her that Remaro is long gone, about five days of in-game time will elapse before she sends you an Unsigned Missive. The Missive itself is a plea to help her from being stranded on an island "southwest of Neketaka."

    Sail to the Sanctum Island, which is at #15 on the World Map.

    Her "Call to Help" will be at #5 on the map of the Sanctum Island. It goes without saying that you'll have to fight her and the rest of her crew now that she's figured out that she was tricked.

  30. Having Remaro's Head opens up different possibilities. The options previously described will still be available, including sharing the bounty. Throwing the head at Malnaj's feet amounts to forfeiting any bounty to her, and she'll gladly leave with the head to claim her reward. That earns moderate reputation with the Principi.

    You can attack her, or use the dialogue option that invokes the authority of the Principi council, if you want to keep Remaro's Head. You can then sail to Dunnage at #8 on the World Map. Enter Lifter's Refuge once you get there.
  31. Lifter's Refuge

  32. Give Remaro's Head to Udita at #5 on the map of Lifter's Refuge. You'll get 4,000xp.

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