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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Neketaka Island: Neketaka Island | Neketaka (City) | Pahowane | Pahowane Underground
Queen's Berth: Queen's Berth | The Wild Mare, Main Floor | The Wild Mare, Upper Floor | Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Main Floor | Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Upper Floor | Bardatto Estate | Bardatto Vault | Valera Estate
Periki's Overlook: Periki's Overlook | The Dark Cupboard | Luminous Bathhouse, Main Floor | Luminous Bathhouse, Upper Floor | Boiler Room | Arkemyr's Manor, Main Floor | Arkemyr's Manor, Upper Floor | Arkemyr's Bedroom | Arkemyr's Manor, Laboratories | Watershapers Guild | Guild Ruins
Serpent's Crown: Serpent's Crown | Takano's Estate | Kahanga Palace, Main Floor | Kahanga Palace, Upper Floor | Kahanga Palace, Rooftop
The Sacred Stair: The Sacred Stair | Temple of Gaun | The Hanging Sepulchers | Spire of the Soul Seers | Spire of the Soul Seers, Rooftop | Realm of the Beast of Winter
Brass Citadel: Brass Citadel | Imperial Command | Powderhouse
The Gullet: The Gullet | The Hole, Main Floor | The Hole, Upper Floor | Delver's Row | Undercroft
Old City: Old City Overlook | Old City Ruins | Old City

Queen's Berth

Queen's Berth

  1. Here is where you start off after arriving on ship, and where you can get back onto your ship.

    Accessing the Supply Store from any Neketaka exit, including this one, allows you to purchase any of the Ships and most of their Upgrades.

    It also presents the opportunity to hire any of six new Crew Members. They are:
    *NOTE* If you leave Neketaka by boarding your ship any time after you first arrive, you can get a special cannon for your ship called Haeferic's Nose. But that's only if you bound the Dwarven spirits to the cannons of the White Forge as part of your Pillars of Eternity 1 history.

    *ALSO* A shadowy cloaked figure will show up and give you the Burned Book of Law. Opening the book allows you to interact with Woedica during scripted interactions, and she'll have more to say to you as you progress through the game.

  2. Here is where your ship docks. An Aumaua harbormaster named Kaoha will accost you the first time you land here. Berath will insist on a demonstration of your Watcher powers to scare Kaoha away, no matter which dialogue options you choose.

  3. A merchant named Rebero will be here. His distinctive items will include Badrwn's Cover, and a Cloak of Deflection.

  4. Here is Osa, who sells several fish items as food.

  5. A Hunter will be here as a merchant. She'll sell a few odds and ends. Her one distinctive item for sale is the Clay Grub Figurine.

  6. Here you can obtain a Pet dog named Levin.

  7. Here is Zamar. He can sell pretty much any available ship, as well as almost any possible ship upgrade.

    He also offers The Shipwright's Plight Task. If you resolve it in a way that's favorable to him, you'll enjoy a 10% discount at his store.

  8. You will find Pallegina here, but only if your history from the first game was such that she disobeyed her orders from the Ducs of the Vailian Republics. She won't join at this point, no matter what you try to say. She'll be willing to join you somewhere else.

  9. The house here has a Pet dog, Xopn'aua.

  10. A street urchin named Tiela will be here, and she can offer information relevant to The Shipwright's Plight Task.

  11. A merchant named Wanika is here. She sells mostly armor. Her unique items for sale include:

  12. A gang of pirates tied to the Principi, and led by Cotta, will be around here. Cotta and his gang are a focus of The Shipwright's Plight Task.

  13. Here are entrances to the Valera Estate. Antello Valera can be found on the second floor. There will be the possibility of resolving the Quest called A Bigger Fish, and then the Quest called Family Pride in his favor.

  14. Ivorr the Bright is here, who doesn't really do anything more than provide a vague foreshadowing of "The Sacred Stair".

  15. A woman named Akera is here. She serves no purpose beyond shedding some light on life in Neketaka and how harsh it can be.

  16. Here is Nera Bardatto, who offers the Salt in the Wound Task. It involves finding her brother, Larro Bardatto.

  17. Here is the entrance to the Bardatto Estate.

  18. The exit here accesses the map of Neketaka, and opens up access to Periki's Overlook.

  19. The waterfall here has a crowd gathered around Larro Bardatto and Orso Valera, who are about to duel each other. This is a key event in the Salt in the Wound Task.

  20. Here is Sanza's Map Emporium. He sells a collection of books, potions, and scrolls. Distinctive items that he sells include:
    He also offers a series of quests involving the mapping of uncharted islands around the Archipelago, in the following order:

  21. Here are entrances to the Luminous Adra Mill. Cortina provides some background on processing Adra for sale.

    There will be plenty of containers that have either Luminous Adra Dust or Crates of Crude Luminous Adra. The latter items are relevant to the Goods and Services quest.

    If you go through the door on the left side of the mill, you'll come to a balcony top that has a Pet dog named Abraham.

  22. The exit here accesses the map of Neketaka, and opens up access to Brass Citadel.

  23. Here is where you can find Lord Admiral Imp and his Xaurip minions if taken a Bounty on him.

  24. The entrance to the first floor of The Wild Mare at #1.

  25. The entrance to the second floor of The Wild Mare at #3.

    Shrimp and his crew will be here if you have started the Quest called A Bigger Fish. His crew will include a Weathermage who will drop the Weathermage Grimoire if you choose to kill the crew during the Quest.

  26. This door leads to a room with a locked and trapped chest, from which some random treasure can be obtained.

  27. A representative of the Vailian Trading Company named Aenia is here. She offers bounties in the following order:

  28. Here is the entrance to the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters.

    Just a little left of the door itself will be Tawenu, but during daytime only. He'll offer the Coming To Terms Task.

  29. Here is a sewer grate. There's multiple ways of opening it:

    • Using a Prybar.
    • Making a Mechanics check of 3 and then a Might check of 15. Note that trying to pry off any bars with your bare hands without making the Mechanics check first is likely to lead to a failed attempt and an injury.
    • Any spell or power that inflicts either Burning or Corrosive damage.

    If you succeed, you can make your way to the toilet of the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters at #8.

  30. This door leads to the second floor of the Vailian Trading Company Headquarters at #2.

    Nearby will be a hidden niche that has a Folded Note.

    Also nearby will be a Pet dog named Toby.

  31. Here is where you can find Degnos and Captain Avetta if you've made sufficient progress with the Sealed Fate task.

  32. You end up here if you took the skiff at #8 in the Undercroft.

  33. The exit accesses the map of Neketaka, and opens up access to The Gullet.

  34. A couple of Brine Imps will attack you here.

  35. The Cobbler here sells a few items, including:

  36. Zili Valera will be here, but only after you've made enough progress with the Quest called A Sinking Feeling.

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